If the total amount of the sum insured by double insurance exceeds the insured value the total amount of indemnity paid by all insurers concerned shall not exceed the insured value .
u91cdu590du4fddu9669u7684 u4fddu9669u91d1u989d u603bu548cu8d85u8fc7u4fddu9669u4ef7u503cu7684uff0cu5404u4fddu9669u4ebau7684u8d54u507fu91d1u989du7684u603bu548cu4e0du5f97u8d85u8fc7u4fddu9669u4ef7u503cu3002
Unless otherwise specified in the contract in the event that the sum insured is less than the insured value the insurer shall undertake the obligation for indemnity pro rata of the sum insured to the insured value .
u4fddu9669 u91d1u989du4f4eu4e8eu4fddu9669u4ef7u503cu7684uff0cu9664u5408u540cu53e6u6709u7ea6u5b9au5916uff0cu4fddu9669u4ebau6309u7167u4fddu9669u91d1u989du4e0eu4fddu9669u4ef7u503cu7684u6bd4u4f8bu627fu62c5u8d54u507fu8d23u4efbu3002
The insurer shall reimburse the expenses incurred by the purchaser or assured for fulfilling his duty subject to the preceding paragraph even though the total sum of the said reimbursement and the indemnity of the insurance exceed the value of the subject matter insured .
u4fddu9669u4ebau5bf9u4e8eu8981u4fddu4ebau6216u88abu4fddu9669u4ebauff0cu4e3au5c65u884cu524du9879u4e49u52a1u6240u751fu4e4bu8d39u7528uff0cu8d1fu507fu8fd8u4e4bu8d23uff0cu5176u507fu8fd8u6570u989du4e0eu8d54u507f u91d1u989d u5408u8ba1u867du8d85u8fc7 u4fddu9669 u6807u7684u4ef7u503cuff0cu4ecdu5e94u507fu8fd8u4e4bu3002
If the sound market value of the damaged property is lower than the sum insured of such property the claim shall be settled on its market value ;
u5e02u4ef7u4f4eu4e8e u4fddu9669 u91d1u989du65f6uff0cu8d54u507fu6309u5e02u4ef7u8ba1u7b97
The sum insured refers to the maximum amount which the insurer undertakes to indemnify or pay under its insurance obligation .
u4fddu9669 u91d1u989du662fu6307u4fddu9669u4ebau627fu62c5u8d54u507fu6216u8005u7ed9u4ed8u4fddu9669u91d1u8d23u4efbu7684u6700u9ad8u9650u989du3002
Awareness of insurance firms are more weak insurance rates and a lower sum insured .
u4e8bu52a1u6240u6295u4fddu7684u610fu8bc6u4e5fu8f83u6de1u8584uff0cu6295u4fddu7387u548c u6295u4fdd u989du8f83u4f4eu3002
Only if the sum saved is fixed and insured by means of mortgage debt or deduction of salary most of them can balance their income and expenses .
u53eau8981u5b58u7684 u94b1 u6570u76eeu56fau5b9auff0cu5e76u4ee5u62b5u62bcu652fu4ed8u6216u5de5u8d44 u524au51cfu7684u5f62u5f0fu52a0u4ee5u8981u6c42uff0cu591au6570u4ebau8fd8u662fu80fdu4fddu6301u6536u652fu5e73u8861u3002
The insurer may deduct a corresponding sum from the amount of indemnity if it is not able to exercise the right of indemnity by subrogation due to the fault of the insured .
u7531u4e8e u88ab u4fddu9669 u4ebau7684u8fc7u9519u81f4u4f7fu4fddu9669 u4ebau4e0du80fdu884cu4f7fu4ee3u4f4du8bf7u6c42u8d54u507fu7684u6743u5229u7684uff0cu4fddu9669u4ebau53efu4ee5u76f8u5e94 u6263u51cf u4fddu9669u8d54u507fu91d1u3002
The sum they give will not usually be as much as the full insured value of the goods or property .
u4ed6u4eecu6240 u4f30u7b97 u7684 u91d1u989du901au5e38u4f4eu4e8eu5168u90e8u8d22u7269 u4fddu9669u7684u91d1u989du3002
The writer built three models a complete information dynamic model of Sum Insured Reinsurance and two models of Loss Reinsurance Sum Insured Reinsurance respectively in complete and uncompleted information .
u8bbau6587u6784u5efau4e86u4e09u4e2au535au5f08u5206u6790u6a21u578buff0cu5bf9u6bd4u4f8b u518du4fddu9669u6784u5efau4e86u5b8cu5168u4fe1u606fu52a8u6001u6a21u578buff1bu5bf9u8d85u989du635fu5931u518du4fddu9669u6784u5efau4e86u5b8cu5168u4fe1u606fu52a8u6001u559du4e0du5b8cu5168u4fe1u606fu52a8u6001 u8fdeu4e2au6a21u578bu3002
Impacts of Decreasing Sum Insured and Premium Rate on Property Insurance
Where the ship has been repaired the assured is entitled to the reasonable cost of the repairs less the customary deductions but not exceeding the sum insured in respect of any one casualty ;
u5bf9u8239u8236u8fdbu884cu4feeu7406u7684uff0c u88abu4fddu9669 u4ebau6709u6743u83b7u5f97u5408u7406u7684u4feeu7406u8d39u7528u51cfu53bbu4e60u60efu6263u51cfu540eu7684u6570u989duff0cu4f46u5c31u4efbu4f55u4e00u6b21u4e8bu6545u6240 u652fu4ed8 u7684 u6570u989du4e0du5f97u8d85u8fc7 u4fddu9669 u91d1u989duff1b
美[sʌm ɪnˈʃʊrd]英[sʌm inˈʃuəd]