


  • No is a powerful word that you should not be afraid to wield .

    不是一个多么强有力的词汇,每个人都不应该害怕 使用

  • Every villager able to wield a sword has been sent to the armoury .

    每一个会使 的村民都去领武器了。

  • Thanks to their militaristic education knights can wield massive armor and use heavy weaponry .

    由于他们的军国主义教育,骑士可以 发挥巨大的盔甲和使用重武器。

  • His own failure to do so will irk the officials in Washington who wield such power over his bank .

    而他在此问题上的不作为势必将惹恼华盛顿的那些对他银行 如此重大影响的官员们。

  • He remains chairman but wields little power at the company .

    他还是主席,但在公司没有什么 实权了。

  • Dwarves are strong fighters some preferring to forego armor and shields to wield two axes and pure rage .

    矮人是强壮的战士,有些甚至抛弃了战甲与盾牌的保护,而直接 双斧,狂怒般地作战。

  • If they wield no such clubs you can compete openly .

    如果他们不 挥动这样的大棒,你就可以公开地进行竞争。

  • He decides to wield his pitiful weapon .

    他决定 动用他的可怜的武器了。

  • The President offered compromises to parliament to defuse the battle of wills over who should wield power .

    总统对国会作出让步,以求结束这场 旷日持久的权力争斗。

  • They wield studies that point to increases in consumption and car accidents after laws are loosened .

    他们 研究表明,法律变松以后,酒精消费量和车祸数量增加了。

  • He who knows only how to wield a pen usually feels quite helpless in the face of practical problems .

    光会 笔杆的人,碰到实际问题往往束手无策。

  • Our country formally participated in 《 Washington pact 》 in 1992s thereby could wield this arbitration mechanism .

    我国已于1992年正式加入《华盛顿公约》,从而也可以 利用该仲裁机制。

  • How will diplomatic options come into play in a multiplayer match and allow the players to wield power ?

    如何将外交选择来发挥在多人比赛,让球员 掌权

  • The two principal officeholders wield enormous power .

    这两个主要官员 掌握 巨大的权力。

  • In a democratic system it is the people that wield the power .

    在民主制度中,是人民 掌握权力。

  • These brave warriors wield heavy bambus pikes that they can use as both melee weapons and devastating projectiles .

    这些勇敢的战士 挥舞着可用作近距格斗武器和毁灭性投掷的沉重竹枪。

  • They wield enormous political power .

    他们 行使巨大的政治权力。

  • I saw you wield scythe once .

    我曾经见过你 挥舞镰刀。

  • Iraq will rebel against their evil intentions to colonize it and to wield influence in it .

    伊拉克将要反抗他们有害的意图去开拓殖民地和 动员 影响力

  • Class-action lawyers have been allowed to wield too much power and shareholders too little .

    共同诉讼律师被 赋予太多地权力,而股东权利是如此之少。

  • The man who feels this can wield the authority of an educator without infringing the principle of liberty .

    有这样感觉的人才能 运用一个教育者的权力而不至于违背自由的原则。

  • Wield authority control power etc.


  • The elegy can be described as a behavior and a sort of mourning and wield style .

    挽歌是一种行为,又是一种哀 文体。

  • In theory Europe should wield vast power over the IMF .

    理论上,欧洲应该对imf 具有巨大的影响力。

  • This is the kind of power that no other country can yet wield .

    美国 拥有的这种权力至今还没有其他国家能够 行使

  • Wield them skillfully and words can be some of your most powerful assets .

    有技巧地 使用语言,它会变成你最宝贵的财产。

  • The two firms wield enormous clout in financial markets .

    两家公司在金融市场 非常大的影响力。

  • The men who wield the power are certainly backing him to the hilt


  • Last they thought about how actively the candidates wield their power .

    最后,他们还考量候选人如何积极活跃地 行使其权势。

  • We must learn to wield the weapon of law effectively .

    我们要学会 使用 用好法律武器。