wood gas

[wʊd ɡæs][wud ɡæs]


  • Mould spores pollen radon carbon monoxide and dander all lurk within homes seeping through cracks in walls and floorboards brought in on clothing or produced by wood burners gas hobs and detergents used in cleaning .

    霉菌孢子、花粉粒、氡、一氧化碳以及头皮屑都潜伏在家中,或从墙体和地板的裂缝渗出,或由衣物带入,或来自燃烧 木头的火炉、 燃气炉和清洁时使用的洗涤剂。

  • Now almost all the copper companies in the world make charcoal powder 、 > heavy oil 、 green wood 、 diesel oil 、 liquefied petroleum gas 、 natural gas 、 ammonia and propane as copper refining reductant .

    目前国内外大多数铜冶炼厂采用木炭粉、重油、 青木、柴油、液化石油 、天然气、氨、丙烷等作为铜火法精炼还原剂。

  • There are only two important chemical reactions involved in the combustion of any fuel be it coal wood oil or gas .

    任何燃烧的过程只包含两种重要的化学反应,不论燃烧材料是煤、 木材、油还是 煤气

  • The flow field in liquid Wood 's metal with centric gas bottom-blowing was predicted by a mathematical model .

    本文用数学模型法预报了中心底吹 气体搅拌的液态 伍德合金流场。

  • Wood coal oil and gas are different knids of fuel .

    木材,煤,油和 天然 是不同种类的燃料。

  • Surface Properties Characterization of Wood Flour by Inverse Gas Chromatograph

    利用反相 相色谱测定 粉的表面性能

  • According to Bate the woodgas system can be fixed on a car and could work especially in the developing world and rural areas .

    按照贝特所说, 木材天然 系统可能被确定为一辆汽车,尤其会在成长中国度和村落地区利用。

  • With particle size online analysis method analysis the particle size distribution of cotton stalks corn and wood chips three typical raw material pellet fuel flue gas under different voltages obtain the influence of voltage value on dust particles particle size distribution .

    采用粒径在线分析法,分析不同电压下棉杆、玉米及 木屑三种典型生物质颗粒燃料 烟气粒径分布,得到电压值对尘粒粒径分布的影响规律。

  • Gavin Thompson of Wood Mackenzie says : There is no shale gas production in China yet no shale gas regulation .

    WoodMacKenzie的汤盖文(GavinThompson)表示:中国现在还没有生产页岩 ,也没有与之相关的监管。

  • I like wood better than gas . It 's cheaper .

    它更 便宜

  • And homes in much of Xinjiang burn coal or wood for heating because most of the natural gas is sold to other provinces .

    新疆大多数家庭用煤或 木柴取暖,因为大多数天然 都销往了其它省份。

  • All raw materials of synthetic adhesives currently used in wood products industry are from natural gas and petrochemicals .

    考虑到现用胶粘剂的原料均来自天然 及石油化工产品,而这些原料不断提价并且资源逐渐减少趋向枯竭,所以利用其他原料制备 木工胶粘剂是非常必要的。

  • They only installed gas in the building after the Great Patriotic War and the wood oven was only then replaced by a gas oven .

    卫国战争时候我们楼里才有煤气, 火炉也换成 煤气炉了。

  • Over the centuries energy has been supplied by wood coke coal oil and natural gas as well as by uranium ( nuclear energy ) .

    数百年来,人类使用的能源由 木材、焦炭、煤炭、石油和天然 ,以及铀矿(核能)提供。

  • Wood conversion and extract yield increased and gas yield decreased with increasing of pressure .

    随着压力的增加, 木材转化和萃取物产率增加, 气体产率减少。

  • Andrew Pearson of Wood Mackenzie an energy consultancy said : The gas price is pretty is slack and the long-term outlook for gas in North America has changed but the Qatari projects still work .

    能源咨询公司 WoodMacKenzie的安德鲁·皮尔逊(AndrewPearson)表示: 天然 价格目前相当疲软,北美天然气市场的长期前景已发生变化,但卡塔尔项目仍有其道理。

  • I 'd heat my abode with scavenged wood burned in a woodburner made from an old gas bottle and I had a compost toilet to make humanure for my veggies .

    我在旧 气瓶做成的燃炉里烧废弃的 木头来给住处取暖,我给蔬菜弄了个农家堆肥厕所。

  • Wood conversion and extract yield increased and gas yield decreased with the increasing of pressure and the molar fraction of water in ethanol water mixture .

    提高压力或增加混合溶剂中水的摩尔分数均能使 木材转化率和萃取物产率增加, 气体产率降低。

  • The research for the technology of coordinated use of biogas and wood gas

    木质 与沼气配套应用技术研究

  • The results also showed that motor vehicle emissions coal products and wood combustion and combustion of natural gas and oil products were the major potential sources of PAHs .

    结果也显示机动车尾气排放、煤制品和 木材的燃烧、以及天然 和油制品的燃烧为多环芳烃潜在的主要来源。

  • Liquefaction of Wood Analysis of the Gas Permeability Measurement by the Volume Displacement Method

    用体积置换法测量 木材 渗透系数的计算与修正

  • Coal oil wood and gas are fuels .

    煤炭,石油, 木柴 煤气都是燃料。

  • This article reports the research results of using of energy and residual heat of the wood gas as a heat resource of heating for enhancing biogas digestion .

    本文报道了利用 木质 的余热及 木质 的能量作为沼气发酵增温热源的研究结果。

  • The NOCs accounted for 20 per cent of the mergers and acquisitions market in upstream oil and gas last year said Robert Plummer senior analyst at Wood Mackenzie the oil and gas consultancy . Ten years ago they barely participated on the market .

    咨询机构 WoodMacKenzie的高级分析师罗伯特普拉默(RobertPlummer)表示:去年上游油气行业的并购活动中,有20%来自国有石油公司,而10年前他们基本上不涉足这个并购市场。

  • Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Chinese Eaglewood Wood by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Dynamic Headspace Sampling automatic sequential air sampler

    动态顶空进样- 气质联用法分析国产 沉香化学成分自动连续空气抽样器

  • Grain cotton wood fruit products such as petroleum gas and feasible resource western battlefield are destined to will become the battlefield deciding war result host ultimately .

    粮食、棉花、 木材、水果、 石油等物产和资源使得西战场注定将成为最终决定战争结果的主战场。

  • Dry ethanol can be turned into ethylene and 25.16wt % wood tar gas into organic gases gas conversion rate was increased by 1.21 times .

    使无水乙醇可以转化为乙烯,25.16wt% 焦油转化为有机气体,气体的转化率提高了1.21倍。

  • Man can make heat by burning wood coal and gas .

    人可以用燃烧 ,煤, 煤气的办法产生热量。

  • They died because they did not know that burning wood products creates a deadly gas carbon monoxide .

    他们死,因为他们不知道,燃烧 木材产品创建了一个致命的 气体-一氧化碳。