I felt loath to sully the gleaming brass knocker by handling it .
u6211u4e0du613fu610fu4f38u624bu53bb u6293u90a3u95eau4eaeu7684u9ec4u94dcu95e8u73afuff0cu6015u628au5b83u5f04u810fu3002
Sully has always kept in mind the air-crew ejection study helearned about in his military days .
Sully says he has never shaken his memories of fellow AirForce pilots who didn 't survive such attempts .
She claimed they were sullying her good name .
u5979u58f0u79f0u4ed6u4eecu5728 u8d25u574fu5979u7684u540du8a89u3002
I mean I do hope that the fact that I 'm interested in in rock and roll isn 't perceived by some as it may well be to sully the ideals of the Louise Center for the arts and these high-minded things .
u6211u5f53u7136u5e0cu671buff0cu6211u5bf9u6447u6edau7684uff0cu559cu7231uff0cu5728u4e00u4e9bu4ebau773cu4e2duff0cu4e0du4f1a u73b7u6c61uff0cu8defu6613u65afu827au672fu4e2du5fc3u8fd9u79cdu9ad8u96c5u7684u7406u5ff5u3002
I think sully 's in love with me ! it 's all in the mind !
u201cu6211u60f3 u8428u5229u662fu7231u4e0au6211u4e86uff01u201du201cu90a3u662fu5728u505au68a6uff01u201d
When Jake Sully is ready to choose a woman Neytiri tells him about the women in the tribe starting with Ninat is a great singer .
u5f53Jake Sullyu51c6u5907u597du6311u9009u5973u4ebau65f6uff0cNeytiriu5411u4ed6u4ecbu7ecdu8d77u90e8u843du91ccu7684u5973u4ebauff0cu7b2cu4e00u53e5u8bddu662fu201cNinatu662fu4e2au597du6b4cu624bu201du3002
Who would want to sully the reputation of the nicest girl in school ?
u8c01u4f1au60f3u8981 u73b7u6c61u5b66u6821u91ccu6700u597du7684u5973u5b69u7684u540du58f0uff1f
We have no sully available for export .
u6211u4eecu6ca1u6709 u8d27u7269u53efu4f9bu51fau53e3u4e86u3002
I wouldn 't sully my hands by acceptinga bribe .
u6211u51b3u4e0du63a5u53d7u8d3fu8d42uff0c u4e00u5c18u4e0du67d3u3002
He left the valleys of coal and went to the coast to sully Ranny Bay and lavernock where the rich tourists flocked .
u4ed6u79bbu5f00u4e86u7164u8c37uff0cu6765u5230u4e86u8428u548cu5170u5c3cu548cu62c9 u5f17u8bfau514bu6d77u6e7euff0cu90a3u662fu6709u94b1u7684u65c5u5ba2u4e91u96c6u7684u5730u65b9u3002
But truly such is the power of the life the holiness the serenity and the righteousness of a good emperor that not even the scorn felt for his kin can sully his own good name .
u7136u800cuff0cu4e00u4f4du7687u5e1du771fu5b9eu7684u751fu6d3bu7684u529bu91cfuff0cu4ed6u7684u795eu6027uff0cu5b81u9759u548cu6b63u4e49uff0cu4e0du4f1au88abu90a3u4e9b u8f7bu6d6eu7684u4eb2u621a u8fb1u6ca1u81eau5df1u7684u540du58f0u3002
The recordcom pany fears its association with the discredited rock star might sully its image .
u5531u7247u516cu53f8u62c5u5fc3u4e0eu90a3u540du58f0u4e0du597du7684u6447u6edau6b4cu661fu6709 u6765u5f80u4f1au5f71u54cdu5176u5f62u8c61u3002
Sully I must go back he said at last Your students are doing well .
u201c u82cf u5229uff0cu6211u975eu56deu53bbu4e0du53efuff0cu201du6700u540eu4ed6u8bf4uff0cu201cu4f60u7684u5b66u751fu4eecu90fdu5b66u5f97u4e0du9519u3002
' I grew up in a home where each of us had our own hammer 'says Sully .
Sully peered into the blood-splattered cockpit .
u8428u4f26 u4f2fu683cu5bdfu770bu4e86u8840u8ff9u6591u6591u7684u9a7eu9a76u8231u3002
Nothing had ever happened to sully her reputation .
u5979u7684u540du58f0u4eceu6765u6ca1u6709u88abu4ec0u4e48u4e8bu513f u73b7u6c61u8fc7u3002
I won 't sully my hands with him .
u6211u4e0du4f1a u56e0u4ed6 u800c u5f04u810fu6211u7684u624bu3002
Sully has heard from people who say preparation and diligenceare not the same as heroism .
Any further recalls will sully their reputations perhaps irreparably .
u518du6709u4efbu4f55u53ecu56deu4e8bu4ef6u90fdu4f1a u73b7u6c61u5b83u4eecu7684u58f0u8a89uff0cu800cu4e14u53efu80fdu65e0u6cd5u633du56deu3002
Sully has a prominent nose .
Sully displayed authority calm and improvisation under stress exactly what is needed to qualify as an all-American hero .
u8428u4f26 u535au683cu5c55u73b0u51fau9762u5bf9u538bu529bu65f6u7684u6743u5a01u3001u9547u5b9au548cu4e34u573au53d1u6325uff0cu8fd9u6b63u662fu4e00u4e2au5168u7f8eu82f1u96c4u6240u9700u8981u7684u54c1u8d28u3002
It does not matter if she is dead such is the power of Badtimes it reaches out beyond the grave to sully those things we hold most dear .
u8fd9u4e9bu90fdu663eu793au4e86u6b64u90aeu4ef6u7684u5f71u54cdu529buff0cu5b83u5c31u662fu8fd9u6837u6bc1u6389u4e86 u575fu5893u5185u5916u6240u6709u7f8eu597du7684u4e8bu3002
Don 't sully my dignity with your cash .
u522bu7528u4f60u7684u91d1u94b1u6765 u73b7u6c61u6211u7684u540du8a89u3002
As a boy Sully was a classic introvert who felt things deeply .
u5b69u7ae5 u65f6u671fuff0c u8428 u4f26 u4f2fu683cu662fu4e00u4e2au5178u578bu7684u654fu611fu5185u5411u7684u5b69u5b50u3002
Suffering from depression Sully 's father killed himself in1995 .
u7531u4e8eu4e0du582au5fcdu53d7u6291u90c1u75c7u7684u6298u78e8uff0c u8428 u4f26 u4f2fu683cu7684u7236u4eb2u57281995u5e74u81eau6740u3002
People tell Sully that his success on Jan.15 showed a high regard for life .
u4ebau4eecu544au8bc9 u8428 u4f26 u4f2fu683cuff0c1u670815u65e5u4ed6u6210u529fu4f7fu98deu673au7740u9646u8868u73b0u4e86u4e00u79cdu5bf9u751fu547du7684u9ad8u5ea6u5c0au91cdu3002
Love it respect it do not sully it do not hinder it from coming to flower .
u7231u751fu6d3buff0cu5c0au91cdu5b83uff0cu4e0du8981 u8ba9u5b83 u8499u4e0a u9634u5f71uff0cu4e0du8981u963bu6b62u5b83 u7efdu653e u5149u534eu3002
The City 's reputation has been sullied by scandals like those at Lloyd 's
u7c7bu4f3cu52b3u57c3u5fb7u4fddu9669u516cu53f8u7684u90a3u4e9bu4e11u95fb u4ee4u4f26u6566u540du58f0 u626bu5730u3002
So let 's just call it an El Stiffo pull the trigger and have Sully ditch the whole year in the Hudson .
u6240u4ee5u6211u4eecu59d1u4e14u79f0u4e4bu4e3au57c3u5c14u00b7u65afu8482u798fuff0cu6263u52a8u6273u673auff0cu8ba9 u8428u5229u5c06u8fd9u4e00u5e74u8febu964du5728u54c8u5fb7u900au6cb3u4e0au3002