Studies on the primary biological characteristic and their predication of four species of the sumac gall-aphids on Rhus chinensis
Sumac Wax also called urushi wax in Japan is extracted from the fruit peel of Sumac Verniciflua Stokes .
A yellow wax obtained from sumac berries ; used in polishes .
u53d6u81ea u6f06u6811u6d46u679cu7684u9ec4u8272u7684u8721uff0cu7528u4e8eu4e0au5149u5242u4e2du3002
Technology on Planting Staghorn Sumac Directly Without Covering Soil in the Zones of Tailings
u5c3eu77ffu5e93u4e0du8986u571fu76f4u63a5u79cdu690d u706bu70ac u6811u6280u672f
Sumac trees have economic birch linden trees such as EVA parker .
u7ecfu6d4eu6797u6728u6709 u6f06u6811u3001u6866u6811u3001u6934u6811u3001u6866u67cfu7b49u3002
Physicochemical indexes and refining process of sumac wax
The correlation between the diameter of the front lateral root of Staghorn sumac and its basal diameter crown width and height is more significant than that of the back part of the lateral root .
u706bu70ac u6811 u5b50 u682au524du7aefu6c34u5e73 u4fa7u6839u76f4u5f84u4e0eu5176u5730u5f84u3001u51a0u5e45u3001u6811u9ad8u7684u76f8u5173u6027u9ad8u4e8eu540eu7aefu6c34u5e73u4fa7u6839u76f4u5f84uff1b
According to the conditions of difficult multiple cultivation at tailings Zhaoyuan City plants Staghorn Sumac at tailings under the conditions of no covering soil and has gained achievements and accumulated a completed and systematic cultivation technology and management experience .
u9488u5bf9u5c3eu77ffu5e93u590du57a6u96beu7684u72b6u51b5uff0c u62dbu8fdcu5e02u5728u5c3eu77ffu5e93u4e0du8986u571fu7684u6761u4ef6u4e0bu79cdu690d u706bu70ac u6811u53d6u5f97u4e86u6210u529fuff0cu79efu7d2fu4e86u4e00u5957u7cfbu7edfu7684u683du57f9u6280u672fu548cu7ba1u7406u7ecfu9a8cu3002
As an important industrial chemical seed oil of sumac can also be used for producing bio-diesel .
u4f5cu4e3au91cdu8981u7684u5316u5de5 u539fu6599 u6f06 u7c7du6cb9u8fd8u53efu7528u4e8eu5236u5907u751fu7269u67f4u6cb9u3002
Dispersal of staghorn sumac in Beijing areas The Trees
u5317u4eacu5730u533au706bu70acu6811u7684 u840cu8616 u7e41u6b96u6269u6563
Chu Dynasty paid more attention to the planting of sumac in Eastern Zhou Period . The excellent protection methods of Chu tombs made the furniture sound and preserved till now which also provided precious information to research .
u4e1cu5468u65f6u671fu695au56fdu6ce8u91cdu5bf9 u6f06u6811u7684u683du57f9uff0cu695au5893u4f18u826fu7684u9632u62a4u63aau65bdu4f7fu5f97u695a u5f0f u6f06 u6728u5bb6u5177 u80fdu591f u8f83u591au4e14 u8f83u5b8cu6574u7684u4fddu5b58u81f3u4ecauff0cu4e3au4ecau65e5u5bf9u8fd9u4e00u65f6u671fu5bb6u5177u7684u7814u7a76u63d0u4f9bu4e86u5b9du8d35u7684u5b9eu7269u8d44u6599u3002
When the cows were all inside and Raymond and his father had shut the stable doors we walked stillbent through the sumac and once out of sight climbed down to the road .
u6bcdu725bu90fdu8fdbu4e86 u9a6cu623fu4ee5u540euff0cu96f7u8499u5fb7u548cu4ed6u7684u7236u4eb2u5173u4e0au4e86u9a6cu623fu7684u95e8u3002u6211u4eecu5f2fu7740u8170u7a7fu8fc7u6f06u6811u6797uff0cu4e00u79bbu5f00u4ed6u7236u4eb2u7684u89c6u529buff0cu4fbfu8d70u4e0au5927u8defu3002
Staghorn sumac community could not develop to the climax stage .
u53efu89c1uff0cu6f14u66ffu540eu671fu7684 u706bu70ac u6811 u5355 u4f18u79cdu7fa4u843du4e0du80fdu53d1u5c55 u6210u4e3au4e00u4e2a u7a33u5b9au7684u9876u7ea7u7fa4u843du3002