Like are you happy with your deal with sultan ?
u6bd4u5982u8bf4uff0cu4f60u5bf9u4f60u548c u82cfu4e39u7684u4ea4u6613u6ee1u610fu5417uff1f
The Sultan 's consul examined my visa .
It was the sultan 's men .
u539fu6765u662f u82cfu4e39 u738bu7684u624bu4e0bu3002
She went to the palace to talk to the sultan .
u5979u5c31u5230u7687u5bab u664bu89c1 u82cfu4e39 u738bu4e86u3002
President Olusegun sent a personal message of congratulations to the new sultan .
u603bu7edfu5965u5362u585eu8d21u3002u5965u5df4u6851u4e54u5bf9u65b0 u82cfu4e39u7684u8868u793au52d2u4e2au4ebau7684u795du8d3au3002
The two men concluded a commercial agreement and the sultan transferred Jerusalem to Frederick who became its king .
u4e24u4ebau8fbeu6210u8d38u6613u534fu5b9auff0c u82cfu4e39u628au8036u8defu6492u51b7u8f6cu8ba9u7ed9u8153u7279u70c8uff0cu7531u4ed6u5f53u56fdu738bu7edfu6cbbu8036u8defu6492u51b7u3002
Three Americans a Russian and the Sultan of Oman are all said to have expressed an interest .
u4e09u4e2au7f8eu56fdu4ebauff0cu4e00u4e2au4fc4u7f57u65afu4ebau8fd8u6709u4e00u4e2au963fu66fc u82cfu4e39u4ebau8868u793au5bf9 u8fd9u6b3e u624bu673au6709u5174u8da3u3002
I want to congratulate the state government for choosing a consensus Sultan .
u6211 u5f88u6211 u5f88u9ad8u5174u7d22u79d1u6258u5ddeu9009u62e9 u8fd9u6837u4e00u4e2a u4f18u79c0 u7684 u82cfu4e39u3002
She said she knew the sultan .
u5979u8bf4u5979u8ba4u8bc6 u56fdu738bu3002
Squibb had met Maugham at the sultan 's coronation ;
u65afu594eu5e03u5728 u82cfu4e39u52a0u5195u4eeau5f0fu4e0au66feu7ecfu89c1u8fc7u6bdbu59c6uff1b
The first comer was the Sultan himself .
u7b2cu4e00u4e2au6765u7684u4ebau662f u82cfu4e39u81eau5df1u3002
And that he was married to the sultan 's daughter .
u4e5fu77e5u9053u4ed6u5a36u4e86 u82cfu4e39 u738bu7684u5973u513fu3002
Mum ! I saw the Sultan 's daughter the beautiful princess . I must have her for my wife !
u5988u5988uff01u6211u770bu89c1u4e86 u82cfu4e39u7684u5973u513fuff0cu7f8eu4e3du7684u516cu4e3bu3002u6211u8981u5a36u5979u4e3au59bbuff01
Once again I thank His Majesty the Sultan and the entire nation of Brunei for their warm hospitality in hosting this important meeting today .
u6211u518du6b21u611fu8c22 u82cfu4e39u965bu4e0bu548cu6587u83b1u5168u4f53u4ebau6c11u70edu60c5u4e3bu529eu4ecau5929u8fd9u573au91cdu8981u7684u4f1au8baeu3002
Aladdin 's mother told the sultan about her son 's wish .
u963fu62c9u4e01u7684u6bcdu4eb2u628au5979u513fu5b50u7684u613fu671bu5411 u82cfu4e39 u738b u7980u544au3002
The sultan spoke to her .
u82cfu4e39 u738b u8ddfu5979u8bf4u8bddu4e86u3002
In the18th century the Sultan Mahmud the first had this dagger for Nadir Shah of Persia but Shah was assassinated in connection with a revolt so the Sultan retained it .
18u4e16u7eaauff0c u82cfu4e39u7684Mahmudu9996u6b21u5c06u8fd9u628au5315u9996u9001u7ed9u6ce2u65afNadirShahuff0cu4f46u662fShahu7531u4e8eu7275u6d89u5230u53dbu4e71u88abu6697u6740u4e86uff0cu6240u4ee5u82cfu4e39u4ebau4fddu7559u4e86u8fd9u628au5315u9996u3002
But in your bed Lord Sultan I never will lie !
u6211u7eddu4e0du8ebau5728u4f60 u82cfu4e39u7684u5e8au4e0auff01
The wedding was at the sultan 's palace .
u5a5au793cu5728 u82cfu4e39 u738bu7684u7687u5babu4e3eu884cu3002
Following the death of the Sultan who had British sympathies his nephew seized power through a coup .
u7ee7u83b7u82f1u56fdu652fu6301u7684 u82cfu4e39 u738b u75c5u6545u540euff0cu5176u4f84u5b50u901au8fc7u53d1u52a8u4e00u573au653fu53d8u593au653fu6743u3002
He was hunting with the sultan .
u4ed6u548c u82cfu4e39 u738b u51fau95e8u6253u730eu53bbu4e86u3002
He closed his eyes opened them and looked again and he had no answer for the Sultan .
u4ed6u4f7fu52b2u7728u4e86u7728u773cu775bu518du770buff0cu8fd8u662fu6ca1u6709u3002u5bf9 u82cfu4e39u4ed6u65e0u8a00u4ee5u5bf9u3002
She closed her eyes again then the jinnee carried her back to the Sultan 's palace .
u5979u53c8u95edu4e0au773cu775buff0cu706fu795eu91cdu53c8u628au5979u5e26u56deu5230 u82cfu4e39u7684u5babu91ccu3002
Arriving in Egypt Frederick met the sultan a fellow sceptic in religious questions .
u62b5u8fbeu57c3u53cau540euff0cu8153u7279u70c8u62dcu89c1u4e86u5b97u6559u6000u7591u8bbau8005u540cu4f34 u82cfu4e39u3002
I 'd confess I was the Turkish sultan .
u6211u53efu4ee5u5766u767du6211u662fu571fu8033u5176 u82cfu4e39u3002
Aladdin 's mother gave the Sultan a lot of jewels .
u5f88u591a u5e74 u4ee5u524duff0cu6709u4e00u4e2au7537u5b69uff0cu4ed6u7684u540du5b57u53eb u963fu62c9u4e01u3002
That 's Sultan vile betrayer to you .
u5e94u8be5u8bf4u662fu5351u9119u7684 u56fdu738bu53dbu5f92u3002
She waited outside the sultan 's office for one whole day .
u5979u5728 u82cfu4e39 u738bu529eu516cu7684u5730u65b9u5916u9762u7b49u4e86u4e00u6574u5929u3002
Afternoon a visit to Sultan palace .
u4e0bu5348u53c2u89c2 u8c6au534e u7684 u82cfu4e39u7687u5babu3002
He served as an adviser to the Sultan of oman .
u4ed6u62c5u4efbu4e86u963fu66fc u82cfu4e39u7684u987eu95eeu3002