The paper introduce use of walk stick kinds of walk supplementary tools condition of using walk instrument problems about walk stick recipe and pay attention to item .
本文介绍了手杖用途、步行 辅助工具的种类、使用步行器所需条件、与杖类处方有关问题以及注意 事项。
The new raw silk standard is a forced standard which determines the basic class by the lowest result of the main five features while the results of five supplementary item only cut down the basic class .
生丝标准是强制性标准,以主 检5个项目中最低的一项成绩确定生丝基本等级,5个 补助检验 项目对基本级只降不升。
Any supplementary item or condition not covered in the contract shall be agreed by both parties in the supplementary agreement and equally authentic with the Contract .
本合同 未尽事宜,双方协议订补充协议,与本合同具有同样法律效应。