The introduction of LPG 's characteristic classification fireproof arrangement requirements and supplementary explanation on design of storage station are presented .
文章介绍了液化石油气的特性、其 储备站的电气分类、防火间隔和要求以及设计 补充说明。
In MCU system we have to realize the data real time display 、 warning when beyond the limited pronunciation and the data supplementary storage function .
在单片机系统中,还要实现数据的实时显示、超限语音报警和数据 辅助 存储功能。
As a supplementary measure heat treatment is now used in some fruits and vegetables storage practice .
作为一项 辅助措施,热处理已开始在一些果蔬的 贮藏实践中得到应用。
Above this foundation the Inspiring type supplementary type and random type distribution strategy in traditional P2P storage system are improved .
在此基础之上对传统P2P 存储系统中的激励式、 互补式和随机式分布策略进行改进。