symbolic language

[sɪmˈbɑlɪk ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ][sɪmˈbɔlɪk ˈlæŋɡwidʒ]


  • In the teaching strengthens between the natural language and the symbolic language translates the training mutually strengthens the symbolic language gradually the training this is promotes the student to understand nimble utilization effective measure .

    在教学中,加强自然语言和 符号 语言之间的互译训练,逐步强化符号语言的训练,这是促进学生理解,灵活运用的有效手段。

  • The network language can be divided into four types : new created network language numeral network language abbreviativenetwork language and symbolic network language .

    网络语言目前主要有四类:新造网语、数字网语、缩略网语以及 符号

  • The thesis reveals the source of the modern landscape architecture which is different from the classic one . The change is no other than the reasonable application of the symbolic language with the base of the planar and symbolic language in art design .

    揭示了有别于古典设计方法的现代景观设计源,这种变化正是平面基础 符号 语言在设计艺术 形式上的合理应用。

  • The purpose of the thesis is to provide the scientific methods of the application of the national symbolic language in landscape architecture .

    为探索民族 符号 语言在景观设计中的应用提供了科学的实现方法。

  • Computer algebraic and symbolic computation language CASC

    计算机代数与 符号演算 语言CASC

  • During the language understanding period they lack of actively building the constructure of the symbolic language .

    在语言理解阶段缺乏对 符号 语言意义的主动建构。

  • Mathematica is a computing environment providing support for numerous numeric and symbolic computations through a dedicated symbolic language .

    Mathematica是一个计算环境,通过专用的 符号 语言为众多数值和符号计算提供支持。

  • It becomes an art form When the facial expressions as a language of graphic combines with design that is a symbolic language .

    当面部表情作为一种图形符号语言与设计结合的时候便形成一种艺术形式,即一种 符号 语言

  • Sign language used in the engraving broaden the prints of ideas for creative prints promotes the development of in the field of contemporary printmaking symbolic language shows diverse and personal .

    符号语言应用于版画创作,拓宽了版画的创作思路,对于创作性版画的发展起到了推动作用,在当代版画领域 符号 语言呈现出多样化与个性化。

  • To some extent it can help us to develop thinking paper-cutting theme patterns symbolic language and make better use of the contemporary life .

    在某种程度上,它能够帮助我们拓展思维,将剪纸的主题纹样、 符号 语言等更好地利用到当代生活中。

  • This article discusses this topic of the expression on several vantage points : symbolic language and consciousness lines and color skills .

    本文着重从乡土油画表现 形式方面的 语言 符号象征意识、线条、色彩技法等方面进行论述和研究。

  • The traditional reborn of the visual symbolic language is usually a sign or a form whose connotation often lost its meaning with the time going .

    这种视觉 符号 语言再生的传统,往往是一种符号和形式,它的内涵多半已随时代的变迁而流逝。

  • Analysis of the Style Feature and the Aesthetic Principles of the Interior Furnishings Symbolic Language

    浅析室内陈设 符号 语言的风格特征与美学原则

  • Using advanced technique at that time and Buddhist symbolic language the ancient Buddhist books of Han nationality united content and from technique and art part and whole .

    汉地佛教载籍积极采用先进技术,运用佛教的 象征 语言将佛教书籍的内容和 形式、技术和艺术、局部和整体完美统一,形成既具有佛教文化特征的又不失汉地文化特色的书籍艺术。

  • Inspirational appeals : using emotionally charged and symbolic language to appeal to another person 's sense of loyalty or justice .

    激发感情:用感情充沛和富有 象征 意义 语言激发他人的忠诚感或正义感。

  • This new approach which use multi-sensory symbolic language interpret products can also increase consumer loyalty to products thus forming the whole product image of religious faith .

    这种诠释产品的新的 符号 语言方式更可以提高消费者对产品的忠诚度,进而形成对整体产品形象宗教般的信仰。

  • The assembler translates symbolic language into machine language .

    汇编程序把 符号 语言翻译成机器语言。

  • This paper regards that it may make up some shortcomings of the structuralism linguistics through stressing the research of symbolic language thus the research of language may develop healthily .

    加强 象征 语言的研究,可以弥补结构主义语言学的一些缺憾,从而使得语言研究健康发展。

  • The platform selects the function block diagram ( FED ) language in IEC 61131-3 as the programming language adopts the modularized design idea and replaces symbolic language with principle chart for programming .

    该平台选用IEC61131-3中的功能块图(FBD)语言作为平台的编程语言,采用模块化的设计思想,用原理图代替 符号 语言进行程序设计。

  • General electric symbolic assembly language

    通用电气 符号汇编 语言

  • It also seeks to determine the symbolic value of language varieties for their speakers .

    而这种由 语言的多样性产生的 符号 或象征 特征,是语言 功能差异的必然结果。

  • Dreams are a universal connection Norris said because almost everyone dreams and a symbolic universal language of mind applies to anyone at anytime .

    诺丽说,梦境具有普遍性。因为几乎所有人都会做梦,而且梦境可作用一种 符号 语言来解读。

  • Because of the feature of replication contents can spread quickly with the social and cultural identification characteristics also formed a symbolic language .

    由于当下复制的特性,使传播中的内容迅速的在社会、文化中具备了可辨识的特征,形成 符号 语言更多的内容具有快速的可再 编辑

  • Through an analysis of the correlation between symbolic language and thinking ideas the paper discusses the meaning field of the thinking ideas the limitation and the causes of traditional logical adaptation theory .

    文章通过对 符号 语言与思维观念表述之间关系的分析,论述了思维观念意义域的涵义及传统逻辑符合论观点局限性的缘由。

  • Evil is in a more original and convincing symbolic language and the task of philosophy is to interpret this language .

    恶处于一种更原始更有说服力的 象征 语言中,哲学的任务就是解释这种语言。

  • Resulting symbolic start to personalization on symbolic language research group from the research into individual form of language study .

    从而导致如今符号化开始走向个性化,对 符号 语言的研究也将从群体性的研究转变为个体语言形式的研究。

  • The students can not transform one into another easily among graphic language literal language and symbolic language .

    学生对图形语言与文字语言、 符号 语言的转换仍存在困难。

  • With RTSL users need not involve in the assembler and hardware source programs written in RTSL can be adapted to symbolic language program using fixed-point arithmetic . Consequently the simulation software will be run in higher speed .

    借助 RTSL语言,用户可以避开汇编指令和计算机硬件的细节,而用户源程序却可以直接转换为采用定点算法的汇编 语言程序,因而仿真软件将以较高的速度运行。

  • The uninhibited mutations and grotesque symbolic language of dreams interrupt the distinct images of contemporary humanity .

    现代人的鲜明形象中又穿插了梦境的自由变化和怪诞的 象征 语言

  • In Chinese contemporary oil paintings with the widespread use of personal symbolic language its aesthetic value also can be fully reflected the increasing attention paid to the artist in the symbols of the works .

    在中国当代油画创作中,随着个人 符号 语言的广泛运用,其审美价值也得以充分体现,艺术家日益开始重视对作品中符号的研究。