sweating system


  • A sweating manikin system of 8-layers composite structure has been developed by the application of digital human model developing technology and non-symmetrical hydrophilic artifical skin .

    运用数字化人体模型开发技术 研制 假人本体;

  • The unpleasant feedback from exercising such as difficulty breathing sweating or stiff muscles is transferred to the brain using the afferent or sensory nervous system .

    健身时出现的令人不快的反应,例如呼吸困难、 流汗或者肌肉僵硬,会通过传入或感觉神经 系统传递至大脑。

  • Segmental dysfunction of sweating in multiple system atrophy ( Germ )

    系统萎缩中部分 排汗功能紊乱(德国)

  • From the aspects of system construction work principles figure formation simulated sweating system and technical properties it is reported and discussed .

    从其系统构成、工作原理、本体构造、 出汗模拟 系统、技术实施效果等方面加以了介绍。

  • The symptoms and signs which occus during an attack such as palpitations paleness and excessive sweating coincide with an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system function .

    您突然发作时的病状和体征,如心跳、苍白和过多的 血汗 ,跟您自主神经 系统功能失调是相符的。

  • What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector ? sweating system

    标本剥制员与征税员有何不同呢?(残酷 剥削的) 血汗 制度