It was a slow pulsing rhythm that seemed to sway languidly in the air .
那是一种缓缓的律动,感觉像是慵懒地 摇曳在空气中。
This flexibility allows the statue to sway in the harbor winds .
这使雕像具有能够在港湾中随风 摇摆的灵活性。
You might think you are being objective but you could unwittingly sway the reader with your choice of words .
你可能认为你是客观的,但是你可能无意中用你所选择的言辞 影响了读者。
A hard-core group of right-wing senators had hoped to sway their colleagues .
一群骨干右翼参议员曾企图 左右自己的同僚。
The granite and porphyry monuments of Egypt exert an incredible sway over our feelings .
埃及的花岗岩和斑岩的纪念碑在我们的感觉上发挥了一种难以置信的 影响。
We are not going to sway from what we have decided .
我们对已经决定了的事不打算 改变 主意。
The ' families ' are the basic units each holding sway over a recognised territory .
“家庭”是基本单位,每一个家庭都控制着 自己 受人认可的 领地。
The whole boat swayed and tipped .
整条船 摇晃后翻倒了。
I was looking at this book light flickering off the pages and my body started to sway !
我看着这本书,光芒从书页中散射,我的身体竟也出现了 晃动。
The long-forgotten discovery that the world was round had gradually resumed its sway over men 's minds .
世界是圆的这个早已被人遗忘的发现逐渐恢复了它对人们思想的 支配作用。
But I don 't think it 'll sway me at this point .
但我不认为它会 动摇在这一点上我。
The people swayed back and forth with arms linked
人们手挽手,前后 摇晃 着。
Ghosts met I do not hold sway .
鬼见了我都不 当道。
The shreds of the torn wall-paper begin to sway and stand up showing shepherdesses and sheep .
撕碎的墙纸碎片开始 摆动,站了起来,上面开始放映牧羊女和羊。
The results indicate that the effects of posture and weight load on body sway are significant .
研究结果表明作业姿势和负重对人体 动摇的主要指标都具有显著影响。
Finally these pass away and the perceiving consciousness has full sway .
如此这些来了又去,形成了知觉意识完整的 摇摆。
The warm wind sway my face softly and I feel very comfortable .
温暖的春风温柔的 吹拂在我的脸上, 让我感到十分舒畅。
South of the Usk a completely different approach seems to hold sway
阿斯克以南盛行的似乎是一种完全不同的方式 。
The meeting was divided about the issue but at the final vote the moderates held sway .
会议在这个问题上有分歧,但在最后的投票中温和派占了 统治 地位。
Sway gently back and forth as of flowers or tress in the wind .
来回轻轻地 摆动,像花或头发在风中吹拂一样。
The sway of the pail caused some milk to spill out .
桶一 晃荡,泼出来一些牛奶。
How mothers keep daughters under their sway is the subject of the next five sections .
在接下来的5节将探讨母亲怎样 管教女儿。
Don 't ever be swayed by fashion .
永远不要 受潮流的 影响。
I sway my imagination for his numerous injuries to find an excuse .
我 挥洒我的想象,为自己的受伤找了无数个借口。
Let the rest of your body move and sway as it needs to .
让你的身体休息和 摇摆移动,因为它需要。
When marimba rhythms start to play Dance with me make me sway .
当木琴的旋律响起,请与我共舞,让我 摇摆 起来。
In medieval times the church held sway over many countries .
在中世纪,教会 支配 着许多国家。
Revolution and industrialism were creating a new kind of society in which the old traditional values no longer held sway .
革命和工业创造着一个新社会,在这样的社会里旧的传统的价值观不再具有 支配 力量。
Smokestacks are known to sway in the wind if they are not rigid enough .
如果烟囱没有足够的刚度;它就会在风中 摇摆。