




  • You still want me to swipe the thing you were asking about ?

    还让我 你想要的东西?

  • Five soldiers were each fined £ 140 for swiping a wheelchair from a disabled tourist

    5名士兵因 偷窃一名残疾人游客的轮椅而每人被罚款140英镑。

  • Mootools-mobile is aimed to provide low level functionality like custom swipe and pinch events .

    mootools-mobile旨在提供低层次的功能,如自定义 swipe和pinch事件。

  • They use their cards to swipe in but not to get out .

    他们是 刷卡 进来的,但没有出去的记录。

  • It also helps to curl your lashes and swipe on an extra coat of mascara .

    卷曲 睫毛,涂上一层睫毛膏,同样也有帮助。

  • Swipe and spin cubes to make the right matches-before it 's too late !


  • You can also swipe the menu open and closed .

    您也可以 滑动该菜单来打开和关闭。

  • But with that one swipe I learn of the merchant 's Twitter handle .

    但就是那么一 ,让我了解到商人的推特账号。

  • Swipe your card through the phone then dial .

    在电话机 刷卡,然后拨号。

  • Everywhere I went people kept trying to swipe my copy of The New York Times .

    无论我走到哪儿,总有人想要 走我的那份《纽约时报》。

  • He swiped me across the shoulder with the poker .

    他用拨火棍 我的肩膀。

  • Savage fury no longer applies to maul or swipe .

    野蛮 暴怒不再影响熊的槌击和

  • I used a broom to swipe at the snake .

    我用扫帚 这条蛇。

  • Looking at the replay again I 'm not so sure that Mason took a swipe at Yao .


  • Mootools-mobile provides custom events for rich interaction like swipe pinch and touchhold – with more coming soon !

    mootools-mobile提供了像 swipe、pinch和touchhold这样富交互的自定义事件,马上还会有更多!

  • She swiped at Rusty as though he was a fly

    拉斯蒂 就像一只苍蝇。

  • Swipe the screen in the direction and speed of the shot but watch out for the obstacles .

    注意速度和方向,还要注意一些障碍, 如果 觉得 可以 完全 掌握 游戏方法了!

  • They use a swipe card to go in and out of their offices .

    他们出入办公室要 刷卡

  • Swipe your stored-value ticket over the sensor .

    在感应器上 你的储值票。

  • What if I lose my swipe card ?

    如果我弄丢了 刷卡 怎么办?

  • At this point each data structure for pinch or swipe is reset if three fingers are not detected .

    此时,如果未检测到三根手指,则 点击或按压的每个数据结构都将被重设。

  • If I pick him up and swipe his briefcase .

    让我去勾引他并 他的公事包。

  • There 's something wrong with the swipe machine so you would better pay with cash .


  • She made a swipe at the ball .


  • The operating system works best with a touchscreen where users can swipe tiles and icons .

    该操作系统在触摸屏上表现最好,用户可以 直接 碰触 贴和图标。

  • Genesis recorded a song which took a swipe at greedy property developers who bought up and demolished people 's homes


  • You take a swipe at liberals and HP for what exactly again ?


  • Mine requires me to tap and swipe across its screen in order to access the information stored within .

    我的手机需要我不断点击和 滑动屏幕,以获取储存于其中的内容。

  • Just choose what to eat swipe your credit card and in minutes your food is delivered to you .

    你只需选择要点的食物, 一下信用卡,数分钟内你点的食物就会送到你手中。