switch value

[swɪtʃ ˈvælju][switʃ ˈvælju]


  • Gets or sets the source switch value .

    获取或设置源 开关

  • Such an eastern switch of the culture alternation and value transformation is a result of the critical denial of the western cultural tradition that is believed to lead to modern ecological crisis . In addition the switch also rediscovers the implication of the eastern traditional culture .

    这种东方 转向是西方现代生态伦理学对造成现代生态危机的西方文化传统的批判否定之后所做的文化选择和 价值转换,是对东方传统文化的丰富意蕴和价值的再发现。

  • The authors of this paper connected an input module and an output module with toggle switch and brought about external presetting value of many ( more than 4 ) timer-counter through programming .

    利用一块输入模块和一块输出模块与拨盘 开关连接,并通过程序实现多个(大于4个)定时器和计数器的外部予

  • Coding the gene locus with the loop which is determined by the interconnection switch the value of the gene locus is the number of the switch that is opened . ( 2 ) Radiation network identification method .

    编码以联络 开关确定的小环网为基因位,该位上的 是该环网里打开的开关号;(2)网络辐射性判断方法。

  • Although it appears you 're switching on a character here the switch statement is actually using the integral value of the character .

    尽管我们在这儿表面上要处理的是字符,但 switch语句实际使用的字符的整 数值

  • Based on the concept of original switch the instantaneous value of common-mode voltage for matrix converter under the control strategy of two line voltage is analyzed in the paper and its general rules are summarized up .

    该文在“原点 开关”概念的基础上,对双电压合成控制策略下矩阵变换器共模电压的瞬时 进行了分析,总结了共模电压瞬时 产生的一般规律。

  • A strong engineering background is requested on this project The research results on the mechanical design and development of electric switch has an important practical value .

    本课题研究的内容具有很强的工程背景,研究成果对机械式电 开关的设计开发具有重要的实用 价值

  • Chemical production process of polyethylene catalyst is the representative of intermittent chemical production process which requires sequence continuous and switch value control . The process needs mutual nesting interlock between the state of production equipment and the production step with rigorous production condition .

    聚乙烯催化剂的生产属于典型的化工间歇生产过程,既要求顺序控制,也要求连续控制和 开关 的控制,而且相关生产设备的状态和生产步骤之间要相互嵌套联锁、生产条件苛刻。

  • Therefore the data acquisition system includes mainly a multiple channel switch a peak value holding circuit a high speed A / D converter a frame memory an address generator a sequence and logic control circuit .

    所以本系统主要包括多通道 开关峰值保持、高速A/D、帧存储器、内地址发生器和时序及逻辑控制等几部分。

  • And the performances of RF MEMS switch device are that threshold voltage value is 22 to 27V lifetime of RF MEMS switch device is over 10000 times .

    而用氮化硅薄膜作为悬梁所制作的RFMEMS 开关器件的性能是:阈值 电压在22至27V之间、开关次数10000次以上。

  • Changing the switch value will affect only the currently running version of this application .

    变更 参数 将只影响此应用程式目前正在执行的版本。

  • Its principle is controlling the current of the switch to reach the expected value in a switching period .

    通过对 开关电流的控制,使其在一个周期内达到期望

  • Switch points the value at which they were equally likely to choose getting money today as getting $ 100 at a future point in time were calculated for each person .

    然后根据他们的选择计算出所谓的“ 转换 点数”&使他们对当天拿到钱和在未来拿到钱同样满意的点数。

  • Switch back to the Value editor click Yes when the Switch Editor dialog appears .


  • The factors that affect the interconnect wire delay and the resolution ways from to lower the signal swing and change switch threshold value aspect are described in this paper .

    本文讨论了影响互连线延迟的因素,并讨论了从降低信号摆幅、改变 开关 阈值方面解决延迟、功耗等问题。

  • This article takes the system of forage productive technology as an example stressing on the introduction to the application of PC-7506 / 7507 32 routes input / output switch value .

    文章以一个饲料生产工艺系统为例,着力阐述了 PC-7506/750732开关量输入/输出板的运用。

  • By analyzing the threshold-jumping of Schmitt circuits this paper indicates that the core element realizing this function in binary TTL Schmitt circuits is the differential current switch with controllable threshold value .

    本文通过对施密特电路的跳阈分析,指出在二值TTL施密特电路中实现该一功能的核心部件为 阈值可控的差动电流 开关

  • The test results show that the voltage of main switch can be clamped to a certain value the Zero-Voltage and Zero-Current Switching and high efficiency can be achieved easily .

    实验结果表明,主 开关 两端电压被箝位在一定 数值,实现了零电压零电流开关,效率达到90%。

  • An electrostatic shield between the switch and the coil can reduce this value by as much as a factor of100 .

    开关和线圈之间的静电屏蔽会降低该电容 ,最大可达百分之几。

  • A switch expression should not represent a value that is effectively Boolean ;

    表达式不应该表示有效 布尔变量的

  • And this article talk about the chaotic controller and parameter identification rules on the state of each switch value respectively .

    分别介绍了每种 开关 状态下的混沌控制器和参数辨识规则的设计情况。

  • The paper presents the operation principle and application of a leakage protection switch with overvoltage protective function . This kind of switch is of greater practical value in comparision with the leakage switch .

    本文介绍了一种具有过压保护功能的漏电保护开关的工作原理及应用实例,这种 开关与漏电开关相比,具有更大的实用 价值

  • Design of a giant switch value data acquisition circuit On Quantity

    巨型 开关 数据采集电路的设计

  • However the switch should not exceed the book value accounting assumptions are not prepared to pay financial assets in the case of Japan back out I costs .

    但是,该 转回后的账面 价值不应当超过假定不计提减值准备情况下该金融资产在转回日的摊余成本。

  • Lighting group remote switch monitoring voltage value current value of real-time acquisition are implemented .

    实现照明灯组的远程 开关监控,电压 、电流值的实时采集。

  • Regarding the structure features of hydraulic construction machinery it presented a set of methods for designing the hydraulic system that can be operated either by remote control or by hand control and that uses switch value proportion valve to control the moving and working devices .

    液压遥控装置的结构特点是它有一套独立的液压系统,既可遥控操作又可手控操作,并通过 开关 设定比例来控制正在移动和工作的机械设备。

  • By using the PWM control and adopting the common voltage-regulation switch to control the supply voltage average value of each phase winding the controller has the DC motor speed regulation characteristic .

    控制器在PWM脉冲的控制下,通过公共调压 开关对各相绕阻供电电源平均 的控制以实现调速,具备了直流电机的调速特性。

  • We may want to switch the value .

    人们希望能够 切换

  • The article introduces VLAN technology and knowledge together with campus network and analyses in detail the VLAN technology of STAR-S1926F + switch it has definite reference value to network exploitation and computer teaching .

    结合校园网介绍了VLAN技术知识,并详细分析了STAR-S1926F+网管 交换机的VLAN技术,对网络开发和计算机教学有一定的参考 价值