switch point

[swɪtʃ pɔɪnt][switʃ pɔint]

[计] 开关点

  • Through optimization algorithm to determine the efficiency of making the system maximum power between the switching point in the pump unit . ( 4 ) Proposed the switch control measure to solve wind power fluctuations near the water-pump switch point .

    通过优化算法确定了使得系统的运行效率最高的泵组间的功率切换点。(4)提出了解决风功率在水泵 切换 附近波动时的切换控制策略。

  • The characteristics of eddy current retarder were analyzed at low and high velocity respectively . A selecting method for switch point between mathematical model and neural network was proposed .

    分析了电涡流缓速器的输出制动力矩在低、高速时的特性,提出了数学模型与神经网络模型 切换 的选择方法。

  • This paper puts forward an adaptive localization method that can resolve switch point localization problem in the partial backward decodable bit stream ( PBDBS ) e. g.

    本文针对部分反向可解比特流(PBDBS)1w_822中的 切换 定位问题,提出了一种自适应定位方法,即比特位置法。

  • Wider Application of External Locking Device for Switch Point and Development of New Generation of Switching Device

    推广 尖轨外锁闭装置开发新一代 道岔转换设备

  • A multi way switch point at Keelung harbour branch not exist now .

    基隆临港线的双K 道岔,如今已成 绝景

  • The thin film circuit is distributed at an interlayer in a bag surface . A magnetic button switch is arranged at the point of a bag cover and a main switch is arranged at a bag shelter .

    薄膜电路分布在袋表面内夹层,磁钮 开关设置在袋盖 ,总开关设置在袋隐蔽处。

  • Port is a virtual switch connection point .

    端口是一个虚拟 交换机连接

  • A novel mems shock switch with movable contact point to prolong contact time

    通过可动 触点延长接触时间的新型微冲击 开关

  • But there 's got to be a switch at some point .

    但是肯定在某 做过 调换

  • The SCP ( Service Control Point ) and the SSP ( Service Switch Point ) are IN components that connected by SS7 ( Signaling System No.7 ) .

    业务控制点和业务 交换 是智能网的主要构成部分,它们通过No.7信令进行通信。

  • The new setting methods of the short-circuit point are presented in this paper which substitute the grounding switch for the short circuit or combine the grounding switch and the to be the short-circuit point in the GIS station .

    提出了改进的短路点设置新方法:即GIS升压站以接地刀闸代替短路铜排,或以接地 与短路排组合设置短路

  • He directly answers the opposite side 's question and then naturally switch to other point and attacks the opponents .

    他上台首先正面回答了对方的问题,然后很自然的 话题 转向个更有利于自己的 论点,反驳对方。

  • At the same time the power follow control strategy restricts the switch frequency and fluctuation of engine working point in the appropriate range .

    这种控制策略同时还对发动机的 开关次数以及工作 的动态波动等不利于发动机提高燃油经济性和降低排放的情况进行限制。

  • By adopting the Fletcher 's penalty function as the merit function combining trust region strategy and nonmonotone line search technique will switch to backtracking interior point direction composed by the two subproblems to obtain an acceptable interior point step .

    通过引入 Fletcher罚函数作为势函数,将由两个子 问题结合信赖域策略构成的合成方向,并使用非单调线搜索技术回代于可接受的非负约束内点步长。

  • Study on Effect of Tempering on Microstructure and Properties of Bainitic Rail Steels for Switch - Point Component

    回火工艺对贝氏体 辙叉心轨钢组织性能影响研究

  • In order to obtain optimal control effect of inverter switch state pulse modulation signal of switch state is produced by two point of discrete directional adjusting and the method of stator magnetic field so high dynamic performance of torque is get .

    为了实现逆变器开关状态的最优控制效果,采用定子磁场定向的方法,借助于离散的 两点式调节器来生成控制 开关状态的脉冲调制信号,从而获得转矩的高动态性能。

  • In the last part of this thesis considering input threshold power distance of bistability switch point input threshold power of bistability switch point stabilization switching time and so on we design a erbium doped fiber ring resonator switch with double - directional coupler .

    综合考虑 开关阈值 功率的间隔、开关阈值功率的大小、稳定性、开关转换时间等因素,选取适当的参数,设计了一个掺铒光纤环腔双稳开关。

  • Switch point . Connect to input or output of integrated chip .

    开关 与集成芯片的输入或输出端连接。

  • Application of Switch Method to Calculate the Controlling Unstable Equilibrium Point of Electric Power System

    应用 开关算法计算电力系统中的主导不稳定平衡

  • This is introduced the structure of 60kg / m 18 # single point which can shift the switch point outside locking electric point install construction measure and technical reform during the construction .

    介绍了60kg/m钢轨18号可动心轨单开 道岔 动外锁闭电动转辙机装置的构造,施工措施及施工中需要进行的技术改造。

  • The traditional mode of single bus loading multi-device is disappearing and a centralized switch module is replacing the bus function in a mode of one switch module connecting all devices via high-speed point to point serial bus .

    传统的在一条总线上同时挂载多个设备的模式正逐渐消亡,总线功能已被一个集中式的交换模块取代,而 交换模块和各个设备都是通过高速串行 对点的方式进行连接。

  • The RADIUS client the network access server is typically a router switch or wireless access point ( access points are specially configured nodes on networks ; WAPs are wireless versions ) .

    RADIUS客户机是网络访问服务器,它通常是一个路由器、 交换机或无线访问 (访问点是网络上专门配置的节点;WAP是无线版本)。

  • It is focused on high-speed ISR context switch and accurate response time point of super high-speed system .

    围绕快速中断服务、上下文 切换速度以及特高速系统中精确响应时间三个 方面进行了探讨,并给出了相应的解决办法。

  • The contact point figure of the micro accelerometer switch is discussed . The contact point stick physical model is established .

    讨论了微加速度 开关触点形貌,建立了 触点吸附物理模型;

  • Vocal Switch : A Critical Point on the Phonological Revolve in Chinese

    :汉语音转 问题 关键

  • If someone really asked my advice often and then did the opposite every time I guess I would be inclined to turn off the free advice switch at some point .

    假如某人经常问我的意见,又回回都反其道而行之,我想到了一定 阶段我肯定会关上免费建议的 开关,但这也要看 程度 情形

  • This demonstrates that choosing parameter real-timely according to network switch point 's buffer amplitude .

    这也表明,根据网络 交换 节点的具体队列长度实时地选择参数可以使算法的性能得到优化。

  • The capacity of high speed packet switch is limited by the random access time of commercially available memories and the rate of switch architecture . The key point to solve such a problem is improving switch architecture and using slow memories to realize high performance packet switch .

    商用存储器的随机访问速率和 交换结构的交换速率一直是限制高速路由器性能提高的主要因素,改善交换结构使其降低对存储器存取速率的要求是解决问题的 关键