supporting treatment


  • Objective To observe the clinical effects and pathological thyroid morphology of interventional embolization in the treatment of refractory Graves disease in order to study its pathological mechanism and provide supporting evidences for treatment and experiences for clinical application .

    【目的】观察介入栓塞治疗难治性Graves病的临床疗效及甲状腺病理形态变化,探讨其病理机制,为临床提供 治疗 依据及应用经验。

  • Supporting treatment . ( 5 ) All patients are cured . Conclusions : ① Drug eruption can happen to everyone at any age the most common pathogenic medicine of drug eruption are antibiotics .

    予以对症 支持治疗。(5)转归:全部患者均治愈,治愈率100%。结论:(1)药疹可发生在任何年龄段,其主要的致病药物为抗生素类。

  • Results The concentration of CSA was declined obviously in every time after artificial liver supporting treatment .

    结果每次人工肝 支持 疗法后,CSA浓度均明显下降。

  • Conclusion Effects of artificial liver supporting treatment are obvious on the blood concentration of immunosuppressive drug after liver transplantation and it can increase the opportunity of rejection .

    结论人工肝 支持 疗法对肝移植术后免疫抑制药血药浓度影响显著,增加排斥反应发生的机会。

  • Conclusion : Correct handling of the principles of fluid replacement prompt correction of water and electrolyte disorders and rational supporting treatment with nutrients play an important role in increasing the cure rate of AOPP .

    结论:正确掌握补液原则,及时纠正水电解质紊乱,合理营养 支持 治疗,对提高AOPP患者救治率起重要作用。

  • Supporting method and treatment for construction of deep foundation pit of the Nanjing International Trade Centre Project

    南京国贸中心大楼深基坑支 作法及 处理措施

  • The earlier the glucocorticoid hormone is used with the supporting treatment and quantum satis psychotolytic medicine the better the prognosis will be .

    尽早使用糖皮质激素 治疗,加强 支持 疗法,辅以适量抗精神病药物治疗,预后较好。

  • Nursing of inserted central vein catheter in supporting Treatment of Artificial liver support system

    人工肝 支持 治疗时中心静脉置管的护理

  • Methods : 4 cases who received renal transplantation were given early nutritional supporting treatment .

    方法:为4例肾移植患者提供早期肠内营养 支持观察 后血清白蛋白、血红蛋白、肾功能的变化情况。

  • Research of Nutrition Supporting Treatment for Severe Cerebral Hemorrhage Complicated the Failure of Digestive Function

    重症脑出血并发消化道功能衰竭营养 支持 疗法的研究

  • The level of toxicity is severe especially inhibition of marrow hematopoiesis intensive supporting and symptomatic treatment are necessary .

    本方案毒性较大,特别对骨髓抑制显著,强化 支持和对症 治疗是必要的。

  • Modern medicine frequently adopts maintaining the balance of Water-Electrolyte and acid and alkali supporting treatment .

    现代医学多采用维持水电解质、酸碱平衡及 支持 疗法 治疗

  • Evaluation of organ function monitoring and supporting during the treatment of multiple trauma

    器官功能监测与 维护在多发伤 治疗中的价值

  • Water and Electrolyte Disorders and Their Supporting Treatment during Acute Organophosphorus Pesticide Poisoning

    急性有机磷农药中毒水电解质紊乱的 防治

  • TPN is an import an t measure of supporting treatment pre - an d postoperatively .

    TPN是术前及术后 支持 治疗的重要措施之一。

  • Up to now the study of thrombolytic therapy of is-chemic cerebrovascular disease nutritional treatment to brain cells and supporting treatment have been carried out .

    目前已开展了缺血性脑血管病的溶栓治疗、营养脑细胞的药物治疗以及 支持 疗法的研究。

  • Methods Comprehensive supporting treatment was performed in control group ( 28 cases ) for 16 weeks .

    方法对照组(28例)给予综合 保肝 支持 治疗16周;

  • Objective : To observe the effect of decoction for reinforcing spleen Qi in supporting enteral nutrition treatment and preventing from intestinal complication .

    目的:观察中药健脾助化汤对肠内营养(EnteralNutrition,EN) 治疗 支持作用和对肠道并发症的防治效果。

  • These results suggest that nutritional supplementation and immunological supporting treatment directly influence the curative effect of COPD .

    提示营养干预及免疫 支持直接影响对COPD的 疗效

  • The focal point is strengthening regular antenatal care treating the obstetrical disorders and the medical complication stopping pregnancy in necessary are the treatment . Patient needs supporting treatment and haemodialysis .

    预防应加强围产保健,治疗包括及时终止妊娠,处理产科并发症,治疗内科疾病,以及对症 支持 治疗及血液透析治疗。

  • Result : The investigated cases were almost used dehydrants thrombolytic drugs anti-platelet-agglutination to improve cerebral circulation and cerebral metabolism and the combined therapy mainly on supporting treatment .

    结果:本组病历中大都采用脱水药、溶栓药、抗血小板聚集,改善脑循环,改善脑代谢及 支持 疗法为主的综合性疗法。

  • Method On the basis of expectant supporting treatment of HIE the cases were given 10 ~ 20 ml Shengmai Injection by iv or im after dilution with qd once a day .

    方法在对症、 支持 治疗的基础上加用生脉注射液10~20mL静注或稀释后静滴,每日1次。

  • The introduction of retrofit of ESP supporting dicyandiamide sludge treatment systems

    双氰胺废渣 处理系统 配套电除尘器改造

  • Clinical Analysis on Syndrome Differentiation of TCM Cooperating Expectant and Supporting Treatment in 34 Patients with Late Liver Cancer

    辨证论治配合对症 支持 疗法 治疗晚期肝癌34例临床分析

  • This review will systemically evaluate the currently available evidence supporting the combined treatment modalities for bulky stage ⅰ B / ⅱ and locally advanced cervical cancer .

    本文将就目前 支持联合 治疗大肿块ⅠB/Ⅱ期或局部晚期宫颈癌的临床试验结果进行全面评估。

  • Indeed experience over the past three years at MSF indicates that PHA can make a large contribution in supporting adherence to treatment .

    事实上,MSF过去三年的经验表明,PHA可以 坚持 治疗作出明显的贡献。

  • Conclusion Growth hormone releasing inhibiting hormone and it ′ s derivative have a good efficacy and alimentary supporting treatment is very important for treating the traumatic fistula of pancreas .

    结论生长抑素及其衍生物的应用在治疗创伤性胰瘘中效果显著,同时营养 支持 疗法对创伤性胰瘘的 治疗具有重要的意义。

  • In the last 25 years the hospital reformation has been stepping into three mistaken areas i.e. Supporting the medical treatment / hospital by medicine the relationship between medical care provider and patient is commercialized and reformation of medical care system is industrialized .

    医院改革存在以药 、医患关系商品化、医疗体制改革产业化三个误区,导致了医疗费用过快增长、医患关系紧张。

  • Coreanum supporting the treatment of reducing the former to the synonymy of the latter .

    coreanum十分相似, 支持将前者作为后者的异名的分类 处理

  • Methods : Anti-infection to the 22 critical illness patients and at the same time parenteral nutrition supporting treatment to them .

    方法将22例危重病患者给予常规抗感染及对症治疗,同时给予肠外营养 支持 治疗