


  • Thomas will be sworn in today as a justice on the Supreme Court .

    托马斯今天将宣誓就任 最高法院法官。

  • The army 's supreme command has said the army will withdraw provided the other side does so also .

    陆军 最高司令部说如果对方撤退,他们的部队也要撤退。

  • The general was relieved of his office as a supreme commander .

    将军被解除了 最高指挥官的职务。

  • The notables include five Senators two Supreme Court judges and three State Governors .

    显要人物包括五名参议员、两名 最高法院法官和三名州长。

  • The Supreme Court will not hear the case until next fall .


  • As time went on his ambition to be part of the US Supreme Court faded in a miasma of alcohol and despair .

    随着时间的推移,他跻身美国 最高法院的雄心壮志在弥漫着酒精和绝望气息的乌烟瘴气中消失殆尽。

  • The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote momentarily on his nomination to the Supreme Court .

    参议院司法委员会有望很快就提名他进入 最高法院进行投票。

  • The bicycle reigned supreme as Britain 's most popular mode of transport

    当时 自行车是英国最流行的交通工具。

  • He clerked for the chief justice of the Supreme Court .

    他为 最高法院的大法官做书记员。

  • Senator Sam Nunn reigns supreme over the Senate Armed Services Committee .


  • The campaigners held a sit-in outside the Supreme Court .

    运动参与者在 最高法院门外举行了静坐示威。

  • MacArthur was Supreme Commander for the allied powers in the Pacific .

    麦克阿瑟将军曾是太平洋战区盟军的 最高统帅。

  • The lady conspired to seize supreme power .

    该女士图谋攫取 最高权力。

  • The decision of the Supreme Court shall not be appealed against .


  • The Supreme Court today struck down a law that prevents criminals from profiting from books or movies about their crimes .


  • Sovereign power will continue to lie with the Supreme People 's Assembly .

    最高统治权仍然掌握在 最高人民会议手中。

  • It was only by a supreme effort of will and courage that he was able to pull himself together .

    他全凭 超凡的决心和勇气才使自己振作起来。

  • The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence .

    写作能力是语文能力的 最高 形式的检测。

  • You should go out for Supreme Court justice .

    你应该参加 最高法院法官的选拔。

  • The Supreme Court threw out the confession and voided his conviction for murder .


  • The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional

    联邦 最高法院一致裁定学校实行的种族隔离措施违反宪法。

  • The Supreme Court says that the convictions can stand .


  • Over the years Freni has been one of the supreme interpreters of Puccini 's heroines .

    多年来 弗雷尼一直是普契尼歌剧女主角的最佳表演者之一。

  • He handed up the indictment to the Supreme court .

    他把起诉书送交 最高法院。

  • If we are wrong the Supreme Court of this nation is wrong .

    如果我们是错的,我国的 最高法院也错了。

  • Winning an Olympic gold medal was I suppose the supreme moment of my life .

    我认为荣获奥运会金牌是我一生中 重要的时刻。

  • Her approval was of supreme importance

    她的认可是 至关重要的。

  • Maguire has appealed to the Supreme Court to stop her extradition .

    马圭尔已向 最高法院提出上诉,要求停止对她的引渡。

  • The paralysis of the leadership leaves the army without its supreme command .

    领导层瘫痪导致军队没有 最高指挥。