suspect of

[səˈspɛkt ʌv][səˈspekt ɔv]


  • The police suspect him of carrying out two bomb attacks .

    警方 怀疑他制造了两起爆炸案。

  • It was necessary to suspect of it whenever there was an unexplained fever progressive anemia with bone ache especially accompanied with a painless mass in abdomen of infant .

    原因不明发热、进行性贫血、 骨痛,尤其在婴儿腹部出现无痛性肿块时应首先考虑 此病

  • Tell me you have never experienced a similar lapse and I will suspect you of lying .

    别对我说你从未有过类似疏忽,否则我会 怀疑你在撒谎。

  • I don 't suspect him of robbery still less of robbery with violence .

    我没有 怀疑他抢劫,更不用说暴力抢劫了。

  • I suspect most of us will have similar views .


  • German police have arrested a man they suspect of being the mastermind of an armed raid on a poker tournament in Berlin .

    德国警方逮捕一名男子,该 男子涉嫌策划在柏林扑克锦标赛上进行武装抢劫。

  • On the right safeguarding of criminal suspect of death penalty in criminal lawsuit

    论面临死刑犯罪 诉讼权利的保障

  • The lawyer accused the suspect of lying .

    律师指称被告 撒谎。

  • I suspect them of nothing I would swear they would never betray me .

    我一点也不 怀疑他们。我敢发誓,他们两个绝对不会背叛我。

  • Chinese criminal suspects the right to know the system is set mainly consists of two parts one set Detective agencies to inform the suspect of the obligation is to set up two suspects of the Detective parties aware of the evidence obtained .

    我国犯罪嫌疑人知情权制度的设置主要包括两部分,一是设置侦控机关对 犯罪 嫌疑人的告知义务,二是设置犯罪嫌疑人对侦控方所获证据的知悉。

  • I think I will inform the Tribunal that I suspect you of spying for England .

    我想我得告知审判团,就说我 怀疑你是英国 间谍。

  • Application of Compel Appearance for Criminal Suspect of Embezzlement and Bribery

    对贪污贿赂犯罪 嫌疑人拘传的适用

  • They suspect them of ulterior motives .

    他们 怀疑这些基金别有用心。

  • The case was soon closed when Mario Pepper ( the main suspect of the Waynes ' death ) was paroled but shot .

    此案因为(韦恩夫妇之死最大 嫌疑人)马里奥•皮博在假释后被射杀而迅速结案。

  • The U.S.Army and the usual suspect of federal agencies have issued a statement denouncing the book as a complete fabrication .

    美国军方和联邦机构中的 嫌疑人已经发布声明,抨击这本书是完全在捏造事实。

  • Any attempt to teach man to use his mind to control matter is suspect of usurping the power that only God rightfully exercises .

    任何人试图(或教导人)使用自己的思想来控制物质世界的,都有夺去上帝权利的 嫌疑

  • I feel Cubans would be a little bit suspect of plans to set up programmes in Cuba because they would want to know where the money came from he says .

    我认为,古巴方面对于在该国开设商学院课程的计划有点 疑虑,因为他们想知道资金来自何处,他表示。

  • I have not accused him of anything but I suspect him of having taken it .

    我对他还没指控什么,但我 怀疑他拿了它。

  • On the Arresting of the Escaping Suspect of Economic Crimes

    论经济犯罪在逃 嫌疑人的缉捕

  • If you suspect someone of being a spy kill them and their family at the first opportunity .

    如果你 怀疑什么人是间谍,一有机会便可以杀了他及他全家。

  • The author preliminary discussed how to compel appearance on the basis of analyzing the problems about application of compel appearance for criminal suspect of embezzlement and bribery .

    本文在分析当前对贪污贿赂犯罪 嫌疑人适用拘传遇到的问题的基础上,对如何适用拘传进行了初步探讨。

  • The government supporters are beating up anyone they suspect of favouring the demonstrators .

    政府的支持者痛打任何一个被他们 怀疑支持示威者的人。

  • A possible case of wrongful detention might involve store personnel who generally have the right to detain a person they suspect of shoplifting .

    错误扣押还包括这样一种案例,比如商店职员通常来说 怀疑为如店行窃的人有权进行阻止。

  • I suspect most of the detail is lost on the voters .


  • And don 't hesitate to see your doctor if you suspect any of these conditions .

    和犹豫,不要看到你的医生如果您 怀疑任何这些条件。

  • Every cop is required to inform the suspect of his miranda warning .

    警察被要求向 嫌犯宣读他的权利。

  • MVT based on the factor model has a suspect of artificial data because the solution derived from the algorithm of eigenvectors is not unique or with too great uncertainty .

    MVT以因子模式为中心,由于因子模式的本征向量解法求解不唯一或称误差太大,使得 MVT一种人造数据的印象。

  • The ones you suspect of being on their way ?

    那两个你 怀疑正在路上的?

  • The court ruled that Arizona police are constitutionally allowed to request documents from anyone they suspect of being in the US illegally .

    美国最高法院裁定,依据宪法,亚利桑那州的警察有权要求他们 怀疑 非法呆在美国境内的任何人出示证件。