surplus adjustment

[ˈsɚpləs əˈdʒʌstmənt][ˈsə:pləs əˈdʒʌstmənt]

[经] 盈余调整

  • It points out a serial property of surplus process adjustment coefficient .

    余额过程中 调节系数的系列性质。

  • Due to the characteristics of intra-product trade itself it is hard to reduce surplus through exchange rate adjustment .

    由于产品内贸易自身的特点,很难通过汇率 调整削减 顺差

  • Only offering the new employment opportunity for surplus labor the structural adjustment could go on smoothly .

    只有为这些 富余劳动力提供新的就业机会,结构 调整才能顺利进行。

  • The current anti-poverty surplus labor transfer and agricultural structure adjustment set a higher request for the development of human resource in the west countryside .

    当前西部农村反贫困、 剩余劳动力转移和农业结构 调整等对当地农村人力资源开发提出了更高的要求。

  • Therefore to prevent the surplus of current account further expanded our country has adopted financial policy adjustment foreign exchange system reform trade policy adjustment and so on such has obtained certain effect .

    为此,国家从金融政策 调整、外汇制度改革、贸易政策调整等方面采取了防止经常项目 顺差进一步扩大的措施,取得了一定的效果。

  • On one hand still fail to be solved because of laid off rural transfer of surplus labor etc. old problem of unemployment worker of state-owned enterprise industrial structure adjustment bring properly since the reform ;

    一方面,改革以来由于产业结构 调整所带来的国有企业职工下岗、农村 剩余劳动力转移等旧的失业问题还未能得到妥善地解决;

  • However it is not what China pursues . Instead China tries to reduce surplus by structural adjustment .

    但是中国不追求顺差,希望通过结构 调整减少 这种 顺差

  • On the Double Surplus of Balance of Payments : Economic Policy Choice and Adjustment

    国际收支双 顺差下的经济政策选择与 调整

  • The measure of the transference of rural surplus labor force was required based on its peculiarity . Because of the adjustment of agriculture structure and rural economic development the surplus labor must be able to be transferred within rural area itself ;

    要顺利完成我国农村 剩余劳动力的转移,必须针对我国存在的特殊问题,采取相应的对策, 调整农业和农村经济结构,使农村剩余劳动力在农村内部得到转移;

  • Agricultural surplus labor transfer is not the direct cause of industrial structure adjustment . Agricultural surplus labor transfer can promote the economic growth improve the industrialization level increase peasants ' income and raise the urbanization level .

    农业 富余劳动力转移并不是导致全国经济增长和农民收入增加的直接原因。农业富余劳动力转移能促进产业结构 调整

  • So the shortage of rural surplus labor force is the result of market supply and demand adjustment . It is collective bargaining representation about the countryside surplus labor force to the payment and rational reflection when the actual reward is lower than the anticipated reward .

    因此,民工荒是市场供需 调节的结果,是农村 剩余劳动力对劳动报酬集体议价的表象,在实际报酬低于预期报酬时的理性反映。

  • To a country with abundant even surplus labor and the overall laborer quality can not meet with the social needs the employment structure will be influenced by the industrial structure adjustment and upgrading inevitably .

    而对于我国这样一个劳动力充裕甚至 过剩、但总体素质不高的国家,产业结构 调整和升级必然会影响到劳动者的就业结构。

  • Excessive competition is the general situation of Chinese pharmaceutical industry . Increasing the concentration ratio lowering the exit barrier activating the surplus production capacity and enhancing the R & D strength are the vital points of the adjustment to the industrial organization policies and laws .

    中国医药制造业整体处于过度竞争状态,其产业组织政策或法律 调整的重点是提高市场集中度、降低退出壁垒、盘活 过剩生产能力和提高R&D强度。

  • It is suggested that residence registration system should be reformed to accelerate the transference of rural surplus labor force the adjustment of urban industry should be quickened with the help of scientific and technological development in order to realize the unification of economic structure .

    为此,应通过改革户籍制度加速农村 剩余劳动力向城市非农产业转移,同时通过科技进步加快城市产业 调整步伐,实现经济一元化目标。

  • At present this kind of structural surplus cause lasting depression of products and the difficulty of the increase of peasants ' income which demanded to urgently strengthen the adjustment of economic structure of the agriculture and the country ;

    目前,这种阶段性、结构性的 过剩导致了农产品价格的持续低迷、农民增收困难,因此迫切要求加大我国农业和农村经济结构的 调整 力度

  • To avoid it we must study how to promote agriculture surplus labor force employment in the adjustment of economic structure .

    为了避免这个后果,我们必须在经济结构 调整中吸纳农业 剩余劳动力。

  • In the new situation the emphasis of our industrial structuring ought to implement surplus adjustment instead of incremental adjustment strategic adjustment instead of adaptability adjustment .

    在经济环境由长期短缺转向相对 过剩的新形势下,我国工业结构的 调整的重点应由以增量调整为主转向以 存量 调整为主,由适应性结构调整转向战略性结构调整。

  • Currency undervaluation by surplus countries is inhibiting needed international adjustment and creating spillover effects that would not exist if exchange rates better reflected market fundamentals .

    盈余国家的货币低估抑制了必要的国际 调整,造成了溢出效应。如果汇率能更好地反映市场基本面,这种效应应该不会存在。

  • In 2006 in view of the prominent problems such as the surplus of production capacity in some production material industries it is necessary to promote industrial structural adjustment to push the change of the ways of economic growth .

    2006年,针对部分生产资料行业产能 过剩等突出问题,应积极推进产业结构 调整,促进经济增长方式转变。

  • With the increase of trade surplus and heated domestic investment the government set investment adjustment consumption promotion and reduction of trade surplus as the three key tasks for2007 .

    近年我国贸易 顺差不断扩大,同时国内经济又出现投资过热,商务部将“ 投资、促消费、减顺差”定为2007年我国经济工作的三大着力点,以平衡内外经济。