suspected offence

[法] 可疑罪行

  • He was lodged in the prison not as suspected of any offence but as the most convenient and suitable mode of disposing of him until the magistrates should have conferred with the Indian sagamores respecting his ransom .

    长官们后来安排他暂时栖身狱中,倒不是担心他会作出什么有害 之举,而是在和印第安头人们协商他的 赎身问题之前,只有如此才最为方便妥善。

  • Chinese prosecutors last month approved the arrest of Jaycee Chan son of kungfu movie star Jackie Chan after a suspected drugs offence the latest in astring of celebrities to fall foul of the law .

    中国的检察官们于上月批准逮捕功夫电影明星成龙的儿子房祖名,原因是房祖名 涉嫌毒品 犯罪。这是最近发生的一系列明星违法案例之一。