supreme command

[sʊˈprim kəˈmænd][sju:ˈpri:m kəˈmɑ:nd]


  • The pre-D-Day Bombing Strategy decision was made and perfected in the Supreme Command by way of argument about task and affect of the strategic air force in Overlord .

    诺曼底战役前夕,欧洲盟军 最高 统帅部就战略空军在霸王行动中的任务和作用展开争论,制定并完善了轰炸战略决策。

  • To this soldier who despite his fanatical devotion to the Fuehrer whom he had served so well still retained some sense of military tradition the Supreme Warlord was deserting the command of his troops and shirking his responsibility for them at a moment of disaster .

    这个军人虽然对元首忠心耿耿,替他卖了不少力气,但仍保留了一些军事传统的观念,在他看来, 最高 统帅这样做是在大难临头的时候放弃对军队的 领导,逃避对他们的责任。

  • Supreme command of the United nations ;

    联合国 最高 司令

  • On the Roles of Soviet Supreme Command in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany

    论苏军 最高 统帅 在卫国战争中的作用

  • Since he has proclaimed that the period of political tutelage will be shortened he should not reject the demand for reorganizing the government and the Supreme command .

    他已宣布“缩短训政时期”,就不应该拒绝人们改组政府和改组 统帅 的要求。

  • The armies were split up there was no unity no supreme command : Barclay was unpopular .

    军队被打散后,既没有统一的 指挥,巴克莱又孚 众望

  • It must be borne in mind that the enemy 's supreme command is not lacking in strategic insight .

    须知敌人的 统帅 ,是具有某种战略眼光的。

  • If I am to deal with the huns I must have the Supreme command .

    如果是与匈奴人交涉,我必须要有 最高 指挥

  • We declare to all our fellow-countrymen and to the people of the whole world : the supreme command in Chungking cannot represent the Chinese people and those Chinese armed forces which have really fought japan ;

    我们要向全国同胞和全世界人民宣布:重庆 统帅 ,不能代表中国人民和中国真正抗日的军队;

  • Sovereign is to have supreme command over life and death war and peace what is to be taught and heard .

    君主对人的生死,和平或是战争,均拥有 至高无上 权力,其他人等只有 服从 命令

  • Supreme command for the Allied Powers in japan ;

    盟国驻日本 最高 司令

  • His supreme command of revolutionary theory .

    他对革命理论的 熟谙 精通

  • In order to conquer the Fascists the Soviet Union established the supreme command which was the center of every department in the course of changing into the war system at that time .

    苏联在卫国战争中,为了战胜法西斯建立了苏军 最高 统帅 ,它是当时苏联转向战争体制中各机关的中枢。

  • The army 's supreme command has said the army will withdraw provided the other side does so also .

    陆军 最高 司令 说如果对方撤退,他们的部队也要撤退。

  • Supreme Master Ching Hai has said that the synchronous development of spirituality and technology through the ages has given humankind an adequate command over knowledge .

    师父曾经提过灵性应伴随科技同步发展,人类 才会有足够的力量来 驾驭所拥有的知识。

  • Supreme Command Allied Powers in Tokyo

    盟国远征军 最高 统帅部东京盟军 最高 司令

  • Who says the president can only supreme command scene ?

    谁说总统就只能在 最高 司令 幕后 指挥

  • Supreme allied command of nato ;

    北约盟军 最高 司令

  • The officer who holds the supreme command .

    掌握 最高 指挥 的军官。

  • International Movement for Atlantic Union Supreme Allied Command Atlantic

    国际 大西洋联盟运动

  • The paralysis of the leadership leaves the army without its supreme command .

    领导层瘫痪导致军队没有 最高 指挥

  • Captain Kirk I hereby hand over the supreme command of the starship Enterprise !

    寇克舰长,我在此将星舰进取号的 最高 指挥 移交给你!