


  • I don 't think I 'm surefooted enough to walk over these slippery rocks .

    我想在这么滑的岩石上 恐怕走不

  • British countryside makes Tony deeply absorbed with its clean and beautiful natural scenery warm-hearted and sincere neighbours and surefooted traditional life mode which embodies pastoral ecological consciousness .

    英国乡村清新美丽的自然风景, 朴实敦厚的 人们 踏实 简朴的田园生活方式体现了深深的田园生态意识,为 抨击 现代文明作了铺垫。

  • Granny is stricken in years and isn 't so surefooted as before .

    奶奶上了年纪,腿脚不那么 灵便了。

  • The business principle is to satisfy our customers with honest surefooted and considerate service .

    公司经营宗旨:以诚信、 务实高品质 品牌服务 社会

  • She is laborious studious and surefooted at work and has the original method in the management of dispensary .

    对药房的管理有独到之处。工作勤劳、努力、 踏实

  • In my opinion surefooted growing is the best way which I wanted .

    在我看来, 脚踏实地的成长 是我所希望的最好的方式。

  • Surefooted they leap easily from rock to rock and climb seemingly sheer cliffs .

    他们 脚步 稳健,能轻松地跳跃于岩石间,攀登陡峭的悬崖。

  • It 's an indication of the Obama administration which prides itself on a surefooted public relations operation can be ruthless when mistakes are made .

    这表明,奥巴马政府一向引以为荣的 脚踏实地的公众关系在出现错误时是非常残忍的。

  • I 'm surefooted and am an industrious responsible person . I love translating and often enjoy the job .

    我是一个 脚踏实地,刻苦努力,有责任心的人,热爱并且享受翻译工作。