surplus stock

[ˈsɚpləs stɑk][ˈsə:pləs stɔk]


  • The surplus liquidity created by its large reserves are nurturing a bubble in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets .

    巨额外汇储备造成的流动性 过剩,正在助长上海和深圳 股市的泡沫。

  • On my calculations Italy needs a primary government surplus of almost 5 per cent of GDP simply to maintain the current stock of debt .

    据我估算,仅仅要维持目前的债务 存量,意大利就需要基本财政 盈余与gdp的比例接近5%。

  • Surplus production models are the classic methods to predict MSY and are among the main theories and models in modern fish stock assessment and management .

    剩余产量模型是预测最大可持续产量(MSY)的经典方法,也是现代渔业 资源评估和管理的主要理论模型之一。

  • On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of human capital ownership this paper points out that human capital 's participation in the share of enterprise 's surplus by possessing stock option is the inherent requirement in enterprise 's development .

    在对人力资本产权特征进行分析的基础上,揭示人力资本通过 股票期权参与分享企业 剩余是企业发展的内在要求。

  • Analysts said this could be good news for growth in early 2008 as companies may have got rid of surplus stock already .

    分析师们表示,这对2008年初的增长可能是好消息,因为企业可能已经处置了 多余 存货

  • The surplus of grain makes too much stock of grain stay in the storehouses of the government owned grain firms and the budget payment burden heavily presses the shoulders of the government .

    粮食 过剩时,国有粮食企业 库存爆满、粮食积压,政府财政负担沉重不堪。

  • It will be necessary to warehouse the surplus stock .

    剩余 存货需要存入仓库。

  • With the rapid development of economy the appreciation will inevitably lead to a surplus of capital . Therefore the capital must be directed properly ; otherwise it will cause virtual economy such as capital run into the stock market and real estates .

    经济的过快发展,货币升值势必导致 本国 过剩的资本,而这些资本必须进行正确的引导,否则会引发资本流入 股市、房地产等虚拟经济,导致泡沫经济。

  • In the economy of liquidity fluctuation surplus capital needs to seek for investment way which results in liquidity fluctuation spreading from bank system to finance system especially spreading to stock market .

    其中,在流动性过剩的经济中, 多余的资金需要寻找投资出路,直接导致了流动性波动从银行体系向整个金融体系扩散,尤其是向 股票市场扩散。

  • Capital structure is the rate of long term liabilities and sovereignty capital . Different capital structure has a big effect to firm finance adventure surplus of every stock firm value .

    资本结构是指长期负债额与主权资本的比例,不同的资本结构,对企业承担的财务风险、 每股 盈余、企业价值均会产生重大影响。

  • As a result the financial intermediary and financial market have showed low efficiency with respect to allocating social financial surplus and promoting removal of social capital stock .

    因此整体上金融体系在配置社会金融 剩余和促进 存量资本再流动方面是缺乏效率的,而这同时也对金融体系自身的安全形成了威胁。

  • This model reflects the asymmetric characteristic between the loss of being out of stock and the loss of surplus stock . As compared with the traditional model this model leaves out compute on variance and avoids the difficulty on unifying the dual objective of traditional model .

    该模型反映了缺货损失与 损失的不对称特征,它与传统模型相比,省略了方差的计算,避开了传统模型中双目标综合上的困难。

  • As the main direct financing market stock market is the joint of capital surplus departments and capital shortage departments . Stock market accelerates the flow of capital in all department of economy and enhances the output level of whole economy .

    作为主要的直接融资市场,股票 市场连接着资金 盈余部门和资金不足部门,促进资本在国民经济各部门的流动,从而提高整个国民经济的产出水平。

  • The gold leaching biologicals were prepared from protein rich surplus stock of food industry after changing property through hydrolysis .

    选用富含蛋白质的食品工业 下脚料经水解改性以后,制备成生物浸金制剂。

  • Surplus cash has been channelled into the country 's real estate and stock markets raising concerns about speculation .

    过剩资金流入中国的房地产和 股市后,则引发人们对于投机的担忧。

  • Intentionally the government has designed relevant institutions to attract surplus household capitals to flow to the state-owned banks which it preferred and stock markets which may well demonstrate the government intentions .

    政府有意识地通过制度设计使居民金融 剩余流向它所偏好的国有银行和较能体现政府意图的 股票市场。

  • The recruit population is of much than the surplus population in the spawning stock .

    繁殖 群体中补充群体多于 剩余群体。