synthetic approach

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk əˈprəʊtʃ][sinˈθetik əˈproʊtʃ]

[计] 综合方法

  • The application hierarchical fuzzy synthetic evaluation approach in the assessment of the financial strength of the enterprise

    多级模糊 综合层次评价 方法在企业财务实力评价中的应用

  • The synthetic fuzzy evaluation approach employed in modem machine design generally was inducted based on the analysis of the minimum oil-film thickness in point-contact full-film EHL . The factors that influence the minimum oil film thickness were analyzed synthetically .

    本文通过对点接触全膜弹流最小油膜厚度的分析,并引入了现代机械设计方法中的模糊 综合评价 方法,对影响点接触全膜弹流最小油膜厚度的各个因素进行了综合分析。

  • Synthetic Optimization Approach of Combining Regional Guided Order Principle and Biological Evolutive Strategies

    将区域可控有序原理与生物进化理论相 结合而形成的最佳 方法

  • A Synthetic Approach to Remove Pseudo Features in Skeleton Fingerprint Images

    细化指纹图中伪特征点的 一体化去除 算法

  • The difficult problem of the synthetic approach to gliclazide is to build the cis-bicyclic compound .

    合成的难点是双环顺 构型的建立。

  • The synthetic integration approach to the study of information system and dialectical thinking

    信息系统 综合集成 研究与辩证思维

  • Fire Risk Synthetic Evaluation Approach for Petrochemical Enterprise Based on Fuzzy Gravity Center

    基于模糊重心的石化企业火灾风险 综合评价 方法

  • By adopting codability theory and a synthetic contrastive approach of combining classical Chinese Mandarin and dialects this thesis researches basic color terms in Chinese .

    文章用编码度理论和汉外、汉语普方古 综合比较的研究 模式,讨论汉语的基本颜色词。

  • Application of The Synthetic Probability Approach of Multi-Precursor Appearing Time to Earthquake Prediction

    多前兆出现时间 综合概率 在地震预报中的应用研究

  • Lastly by combining the multi-attribute decision making method based on the objective and subjective synthetic approach to determine weight a flue-cured tobacco leaves ' synthetic quality evaluation and decision model based on rough set theory is proposed for the first time .

    最后,通过结合主客观 赋权的多属性决策方法,首次给出了粗糙集方法下的烤烟烟叶综合质量评价决策模型。

  • Synthetic indices approach for the evaluation of groundwater & initial pollution index and its application

    地下水 综合指数评价 &起始污染指数及其应用

  • A study on the synthetic evaluation approach in capital operation effect of high-tech enterprise and its application

    高新技术企业资金运营效果 综合评价 方法及应用研究

  • Based on theories of groundwater seepage and the objective and subjective synthetic approach the new method for groundwater control in deep foundation pit is proposed .

    以深基坑治水基本理论为基础,借助于系统工程中的主客观 赋权 评分 ,提出了地下水防治优化新方法。

  • The Synthetic Monitoring Approach and Realization for Grounding Grids Research of the Integrative Methods for Single Phase to Ground Fault Detection for the Non-effective Earthing System

    接地网状态 综合检测 分析 方法及其实现小电流单相接地故障综合选线方法的研究

  • Molecular imprinting technique ( MIT ) is a synthetic approach for the preparation of molecular imprinted polymers ( MIPs ) in which a three-dimensional polymeric matrix around a template molecule is created .

    分子印迹技术(MIT)是一种 通过在模板分子周围空间内制备三维网状高分子印迹聚合物的 方法

  • Synthetic approach for Windows Rootkit analysis and detection

    WindowsRootKit分析与检测 综合 方法

  • Synthetic Approach to Fuzzy Prediction and Allocation for Aero-Power Plant Mission Reliability

    航空动力装置任务可靠 模糊预计与分配的 综合

  • Then the synthetic ranking approach with the criterions of benefit and successful probability is presented which can integrate decision-making information from many aspects .

    然后提出了一种兼顾效益和成功率的 区间数决策矩阵排序的 综合评价 方法,该 方法能融合多方面的决策信息。

  • Synthetic optimization approach of workload allocations in discrete manufacturing dynamic systems Water-saving Operation in Retanning and Linkage Production in Finishing Process : Discussing the Optimum Scheme in Leather Making

    离散制造动态系统中生产安排的 综合优化 方法复鞣水场少浴操作及整饰的联动&制革最优化生产安排的探讨

  • A Synthetic Approach to MADM Problems

    一种MADM的 综合 方法

  • Based on the overview of practical experience and results of theoretical studies this paper presents a synthetic approach to determine the types and demands of spare parts which include the methods of similarity expert reasoning and engineering analysis .

    在系统总结实践经验和理论成果的基础上,提出了决策备件品种与数量的 综合 决策 方法,即相似性方法,专家推理法和工程分析法;

  • An Objective and Subjective Synthetic Approach to Determine Expert Weights for Group Decision

    群组决策中专家权重确定的 主客

  • A general synthetic approach to 2 3-unsaturated glycosides connecting with nucleosides ( uridine adenosine and inosine ) resulting from ferrier rearrangement of glycal was discussed .

    利用 Ferrier重排反应 合成了两个系列的连有核音的2,3-不饱和糖苷(其中核耷包括尿苷、腺苷、肌苷等)。

  • Optimization of Groundwater Control in Deep Foundation Pit Based on Objective and Subjective Synthetic Approach

    基于主客观 赋权 的深基坑治水方案优化

  • Moreover we take a synthetic approach using all key variables identified by three above-mentioned theories as a function of the change in leverage in order to simultaneously test a set of theoretical predictions .

    此外,我们又设计了一个 合成 模型,将每种理论主要的代理变量放在 合成模型里综合 分析,从而达到同时验证三种理论的目的。

  • An Advisable Method for Medium-term Prediction ── Synthetic Probability Approach Based on Multi-factor TRACING FOR EARTHQUAKE SITUATION AND SYNTHETIC PROBABILITY PREDICTION FOR EARTHQUAKE OCCURRENCE TIME

    一种可行的地震中期预报方法&多因子 综合概率 震情过程追踪与发震时间的综合概率预报

  • Then the externalities of cultivated land protection in2006 in Jiaozuo city are calculated by contingent valuation method ( CVM ) and synthetic approach .

    以河南省焦作市为研究区域,以2006年为研究时段,运用 综合 方法和条件价值法对其耕地保护的外部性进行了测算。

  • An Objective and Subjective Synthetic Approach to Determine Weights Based On Ideal-Solution for Multi-attribute Decision Making

    基于理想点的多属性决策主客观 赋权

  • Appraising performance of audit professional judgment using ' lens model ' and the hierarchical fuzzy synthetic evaluation approach and then improve performance of auditors ' professional judgment .

    然后,运用多层模糊 综合评价 对审计人员职业判断的业绩进行综合评价,从而有助于提高审计人员职业判断的业绩。

  • A Fuzzy Synthetic Approach to the Evaluation of the Competence of Operating Personnel

    评价操作人员素质的模糊 综合