synthetic dyestuffs

[化] 合成染料

  • Although natural dyestuffs can 't totally substitute the synthetic dyestuffs it occupies a tiny space on the market and is paid attention to more and more by people .

    天然染料虽不能完全替代 合成 染料,但它却在市场上占有一席之地,并且越来越受到人们的重视。

  • Sum up neighbor cresol resist oxygen pharmaceutical is it gather pharmaceutical and spices application of to hinder in synthetic resin agriculture chemical dyestuffs plastics and the production to the neighbor cresol and market situation have done analysis .

    概述了邻甲酚在 合成树脂、农药、 染料、塑料抗氧剂、阻聚剂及香料等方面的应用,并对邻甲酚的生产及市场情况作了分析。

  • Synthetic dyestuffs are extensively used in textile paper printing industries and dyehouses .

    合成 染料被广泛用于纺织,印刷工业及染坊。

  • Color and luster that these natural dyestuffs can be dyed on the real silk gorgeous and the synthetic dyestuffs that its fastness of color is not inferior to using now .

    这些天然染料在真丝绸上可染得绚丽多彩的色泽,而且其色牢度并不逊色于现在使用的 合成 染料