symmetry breaking

[ˈsɪmɪtri ˈbrekɪŋ][ˈsimitri ˈbreikiŋ]


  • The former is reviewed in its flavor SU ( 2 ) versions applied to quarks . The dynamical generation of quark masses is demonstrated as a feature of chiral symmetry breaking .

    我们介绍了前者在两味夸克模型中的应用并且阐明了夸克质量的动力学产生是手征 对称 的一个特征。

  • Most if not all of the attributes set by symmetry breaking appear to be fine-tuned .

    对称 破坏时所设定的属性,就算不是全部,绝大部份看起来也都像是微调过的。

  • In addition the dynamic supersymmetry of the Hamiltonian is unveiled . Spin symmetry breaking and particle-antiparticle symmetry breaking are discussed .

    的动力学超对称性中自旋 对称 和正反粒子对称性 缺的不同情况,确定了自旋剩余超 对称 导致的自旋简并子空间的超 对称 变换 算子。

  • Symmetry Breaking and Universe Design

    对称 与宇宙设计

  • The Analysis On Conservation Symmetry And Symmetry Breaking

    守恒与对称和 对称 分析

  • It founds that there is spontaneous symmetry breaking in the stabilization process .

    研究得出稳定过程存在 对称 自发

  • This article shows up a simple method of symmetry breaking mechanism which embark from the extra dimensional model and through boundary condition definition .

    本文给出了一种从额外维度模型出发,通过边界条件的定义建立 对称 机制的简单方法。

  • Symmetry Breaking Analysis of Bifurcation of One - Dimension Nonlinear Dynamic Systems

    一维非线性动力系统分岔的 对称 分析

  • Symmetry breaking which has been widely applied to many fields of physics is one of the most important concepts in modern physics and plays a significant role in the development of quantum field theory .

    对称 是现代物理学中的一个重要的观念,它对量子场论的发展起到了极为关键的作用,并且在物理学的众多研究领域中得到了广泛的应用。

  • The Equation of State and Phase Structure in A Model with Dynamical Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking at Finite Temperature and Density

    动力学自发 的模型在有限温度和密度下的状态方程和相结构

  • To describe plant growth a second order differential equation is then derived based on a continuous fluid model at the cellular level which regards osmotic pressure as the main driving force for growth and the steady-state solution under the boundary condition of symmetry breaking is obtained .

    其后介绍了基于细胞和器官层次上植物生长的二维连续流体模型,以及以渗透压为生长驱动力、描述植物形态发生的二阶微分方程的推导和在 对称 条件下稳态解的给出。

  • Symmetry breaking of bifurcation of three one - dimension nonlinear dynamic systems is analyzed by Lie group metod .

    利用李群方法分析了三种一维非线性动力系统分岔的 对称

  • A new parameter A is introduced to express the symmetry breaking and has been investigated in detail .

    此外,本文还证明了 挠曲 效应 还会 导致 指向 分布对中间层 平面 对称 ,引入并详细研究了表征 对称 的参量 Δ

  • Charge Symmetry Breaking Effects in Elastic Nucleon Scattering From the ~ 3H and ~ 3He Mirror Nuclei

    核子与镜象核~3H和~3He弹性散射中电荷 对称 环效应

  • Analyzing the results we obtain that the orbital precession effect increases on account of the global symmetry breaking but the orbital precession effect aroused by the electric charge of the field source reduces the orbital precession effect aroused by the mass of the field source .

    通过对所得结果的分析,我们发现,由于整体 对称 ,轨道进动效应将增强,但由场源的电荷引起的轨道进动效应削弱了由场源的质量引起的相应效应。

  • Found a more extensive symmetry breaking crisis .

    发现了更为丰富的 对称 破裂激变现象。

  • The spontaneous symmetry breaking of a mechanical system and its energy degeneracy is discussed .

    详细研究了一个力学系统的 对称 自发 ,以及由此引起的能量简并。

  • We also find a transition to turbulence via symmetry breaking at the definite system parameters when considering incident light as plane wave ( homogeneous distribution ) .

    在一定的参数条件下,空间扩展系统从光场取入射平面波(均匀分布)开始,经 对称 向光学湍流转变。

  • It is studied Baryon excited states for quark confinement and chiral symmetry breaking .

    研究了夸克约束的重子受激态和手征 对称

  • KEY WORDS : time and space translation symmetry ; time reversal symmetry ; conservation law ; symmetry breaking .

    关键词:时间和空间平移对称性;时间反演对称性;守恒律; 对称

  • We have considered the K1 meson light cone distribution amplitudes up to twist 3 and the SU ( 3 ) chiral symmetry breaking effects .

    在计算过程中,我们考虑K1介子光锥分布振幅直到扭度3和SU(3)手征 对称 破坏的效应。

  • Besides it was demonstrated that the ( 3 + 2 ) - circle and ( 9 + 2 ) - circle fractal sets are golden ones with symmetry breaking .

    另外证实了(3,9+2)或(9+2,3)分圆分形花样是一个 对称 的黄金分形。

  • Splitting iteration method of symmetry breaking bifurcation point

    对称 破坏分歧点的分裂迭代方法

  • Simple Application of Method of the Renormalization to Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

    对称 自发 重正化方法的简单应用

  • Charge Symmetry Breaking and the Proton Spin

    电荷 对称 破坏和质子自旋

  • It is well known that symmetry breaking and quark confinement are two open problems in theoretical physics .

    众所周知, 对称 与夸克禁闭问题是理论物理中悬而未决的两大疑难。

  • Selection Effect of Dissymmetric External Forces on Spontaneous Mirror Symmetry Breaking

    不对称外力对自发镜像 对称 的选择作用

  • In the world of time-space in physics symmetry breaking results in all kinds of particles interactions the complicated world and even mankind itself .

    在物理学的时空世界中,不同种类的粒子、不同种类的相互作用、整个复杂的自然界,包括人类自身,都是 对称 的产物。

  • As the light field is detuning it could be seen that spontaneous symmetry breaking occurring .

    对单模大失谐光场来说,很明显动力学具有自发 对称 发生。