You want your child . it 's out of sync .
你要你的孩子。这是完全 不对的。
The previous section explored a simple script to monitor the sync system call .
前一个小节探索了一个监控 sync系统调用的简单脚本。
Normally when demand and supply are out of sync you either increase the supply or you adjust the price mechanism
通常,当供需 失衡时,要么加大供给,要么调整价格机制。
NetPlay : Client may be out of sync with server .
网络对战:客户端可能和服务器 不 同步。
Now you must keep the picture and the document in sync whenever a change is made to either one .
必须在对其中任何一个进行修改的时候保持图片和文档 同步。
I must maintain more complicated HTML code and make sure that my HTML and JavaScript stay in sync .
我必须维护更加复杂的HTML代码,并确保HTML和JavaScript能够保持 同步。
No new repositories are needed when using Sync because all the data is stored in the existing ALM systems .
使用 Sync不需要新的库,因为所有数据都保存在现有的ALM系统中。
Sync Framework is a synchronization platform from Microsoft that can be used to synchronize data across multiple data stores .
Sync files to your PC and use them in any notes taking application or just play back for review .
At this moment my new working folder is completely in sync with the contents of the repository .
这个时候,我的新工作目录和库里的内容完全 同步。
' % 1 ' cannot be added because it already has a sync copy in this Briefcase .
不能添加%1,因为该公文包中已有它的一个 同步副本。
Commands out of sync ; You can 't run this command now .
命令不 同步。你现在不能运行这条命令。
Even if you change a model the sync will not affect the models already created .
即使您更改某个模型, sync 命令也不会影响已经创建的模型。
Now that the model is in sync with the data you can re-paint your view .
既然模型和数据已经 同步了,您可以重新绘制视图。
Eclipse also wants to be in sync with the files under the project directory .
Eclipse还需要与项目目录下的文件 同步。
This will also avoid that the widget converter and field validator get out of sync .
这也将会避免部件转换器和域校验器不 同步。
Sync application with network disk and databases .
将应用程序与网络磁盘和数据库 同步。
This example specifies that the connector creates and uses the jli_sync_table table for process synchronization .
本例指定连接器将创建并使用 jli sync table表 进行进程同步。
You have to sync all your photos to the Google + social network .
你必须把你所有照片 同步到Google+社交网络上。
For example data replication and sync is a big problem .
例如,数据复制和 同步就是一个大问题。
You can use Yum to keep your systems in sync .
可以使用Yum保持系统 同步。
The company has a sync plug-in for both Mac and Windows available from its Web site .
该公司已在它的网站上放上了为Mac和Windows 同步的插件。
As the video control center FPGA harmonizes the video sync control of decoder and encoder .
FPGA作为视频控制中心,实现了协调解码器与编码器的 同步控制。
The sync option ensures that the remote mounts synchronize their file system data with the server .
Keep system password in sync .
保持和系统密码 一致。
They swayed back and forth more or less in sync with the music .
他们来回摇摆,基本上与音乐 同步。
High definition component video signals contain sync on each channel .
高分辨率的分量视频信号在其每一个通道中都包含了 同步信息!
Sanda of the origin and development of the Chinese nation and a long history of sync .
散打的起源与发展,和中华民族的悠久历史 同步。
From here I can quickly delete share or sync it to one of my contacts .
这 几个 按钮能使我快速地做出删除、分享、或 同步 至我的某个联系人的 操作。
Sync flash adopt hand communication mode and centralized box mode .