
[ˈsɪŋkrənəs, ˈsɪn-][ˈsɪŋkrənəs]


  • SOA uses the request / reply design paradigm for both synchronous and asynchronous applications .

    SOA将请求/应答设计范例应用于 同步和异步应用程序中。

  • This architecture provides complete support for both synchronous and asynchronous messaging scenarios .

    此体系结构提供了对 同步消息传递和异步消息传递方案的全面支持。

  • The thrust and levitation force in linear synchronous motor with hybrid magnet were analyzed .

    分析了电磁永磁混合磁体直线 同步电动机的悬浮力和牵引力。

  • SEDA tries to combine asynchronous and synchronous API design with interesting results .

    SEDA试图将异步和 同步API设计结合起来,产生有趣的结果。

  • This architecture can be applied for synchronous as well as asynchronous processing of SOAP messages .

    这种体系结构可以应用于SOAP消息的 同步处理和异步处理。

  • A position servo controller based on sliding mode control for permanent magnet linear synchronous motors was proposed .

    提出了一种基于滑模控制的永磁 同步直线电动机位置伺服控制器。

  • XMS offers a choice of synchronous and asynchronous styles for receiving messages .

    XMS为消息的接收提供了 同步和异步两种选择。

  • The synchronous hysteresis motor consists of a polyphase-wound stator and a magnetically hard rotor .


  • Design Research for the Synchronous Generator Voltage and Frequency Control System Based on DSP

    基于DSP 同步发电机电压和频率控制系统的设计研究

  • A design of data acquisition system with GPS synchronous clock based on PCI bus is presented .

    介绍了一种基于PCI总线、附有GPS 同步时钟信息的多通道数据采集系统。

  • A double-voltage hybrid excitation earth rare permanent magnet synchronous generator is designed is this paper .

    文章研究了一种新型双电压输出的复合励磁稀土永磁 同步发电机。

  • It supports synchronous and asynchronous facilitating interactions between one or many stakeholders ( one-to-one or many-to-many communications ) .

    它同时支持 同步方式和异步方式,可促进一个或多个参与者之间的交互(一对一和多对多通信)。

  • The excitation system parameters of large synchronous generator have great effects on modern power system stability studies .

    大型 同步发电机的励磁系统参数对电力系统稳定研究起着重要的作用。

  • It discusses the design of permanent magnetism synchronous motors and its rotor and stator ;

    本文讨论了永磁 同步电动机转子及定子的设计;

  • A synchronous and asynchronous approach for parallelism .

    并行性的 同步和异步支持。

  • The terms synchronous and asynchronous are often confused with the terms sequential and concurrent .

    术语 同步和异步经常与顺序和并发混淆了。

  • There are two types of failover availability : synchronous and asynchronous .

    有两种类型的故障转移可用性: 同步和异步。

  • Drive by synchronous belt to reduce noise of the machine .

    使用 同步带传动降低了机器噪音。

  • The method presented in this paper is also used for general single-phase permanent magnet and reluctance synchronous motors .

    该方法可以应用于一般的单相永磁式和反应式 同步电动机。

  • Store and Forward is available for both synchronous and asynchronous services .


  • Two strategies for parallelism are offered synchronous and asynchronous .

    并行性支持两种策略: 同步和异步。

  • Effective synchronous and asynchronous communication

    有效的 同步和异步通信

  • The operational stability of synchronous generator rectification system is studied in this paper .

    对具有反电势负载的 同步发电机整流系统的静态稳定性进行了研究。

  • PPRC is classified as synchronous and asynchronous .

    PPRC可划分为 同步和异步模式。

  • Brief principles of microcomputer trigger in rectifying system and the influence from synchronous method on system were introduced .

    介绍了整流系统中微机触发的简要原理以及 同步方式对系统的影响。

  • The specification includes both a synchronous and asynchronous API .

    该规范包括了 同步和异步API。