synchronous receiver

[ˈsɪŋkrənəs rɪˈsivɚ][ˈsɪŋkrənəs riˈsi:və]


  • Used one-to-one collateral communication technology Real-time instuction communication is strong 、 and signal respond soon . Synchronous transmission is capable of higher speeds than asynchronous transmission but requires that both transmitter and receiver remain in exact synchronization .

    采用一对一并行通讯技术,指令通讯实时性强、号响应速度快。 同步通讯的传送速度,较异步通讯快,但输出和 接收 装置,需要维持完全同步。参阅异步通讯。

  • A quasi-adaptive frequency synchronous mechanism based on an orthogonal sinusoidal correlation receiver is proposed .

    在正交正弦相关 接收机基础上提出了一种准自适应频率 同步方法。

  • The Synchronous Carrier Recovery Algorithms Of QPSK Receiver In Burst Mode

    突发模式QPSK 接收机 同步载波恢复算法

  • However highly dynamic GPS signal usually results in higher Doppler shift and dynamic delay to pseudo-random codes . Thus the carrier tracking and code tracking will lose lock and can not keep synchronous anymore . It will be very difficult to adjust the receiver adaptively .

    高动态给GPS信号带来较高的多普勒频移,使伪随机码产生动态时延,很容易造成载波跟踪环和码跟踪环失锁,难以保持载波和码跟踪 同步,使 接收机难以自适应调整。

  • Design and implementation of a synchronous signal receiver unit for IRM / DME measurement system

    IRM/DME测试系统 接收单元的设计与实现

  • We suggest a synchronous acquisition scheme for DS-UWB receiver in the presence of multiuser and indoor multipath channel environment so as to realize the quick synchronization .

    提出一种在室内密集多径信道环境下的DS-UWB多用户 接收信号的 同步捕获方法。

  • Synchronous Clock is a key of network synchronization this paper studies system construction key technology based on multimode digital synchronous clock and GPS / GLONASS local clock BPM short wave receiver are used .

    同步时钟是网络同步的关键,本文对基于多模式数字 同步 时钟产生的系统构成、关键技术、关键技术对系统 性能的影响等进行了研究。

  • Synchronous transmission is capable of higher speeds than asynchronous transmission but requires that both transmitter and receiver remain in exact synchronization . The Study of OPC Asynchronous Communication Based On Real-Time Database for Stimulative Simulation System

    同步通讯的传送速度,较异步通讯快,但输出和 接收 装置,需要维持完全同步。参阅异步通讯。基于实时数据库的激励式仿真机OPC异步通讯研究

  • If the carrier is not synchronous the system will generate intercarrier interference ; and if the timing is not synchronous system will generate symbol interference ; the asynchronous of sampling frequency in receiver will make symbol interference and carrier interference .

    如若载波不同步,系统会产生载波间干扰;定时不 同步,系统会产生符号间的干扰; 接收 采样频率的不同步,会使系统产生符合干扰和载波干扰等。

  • Non synchronous USART Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter

    非同步的,异步的通用 同步非同步 接收传送器

  • Through the analysis of key technologies and system architecture in single frequency network rail TV we first design the kernel modules which contain the adaptive module the synchronous modulation module the diversity receiver module and so on .

    通过分析研究铁路电视单频网的关键技术和系统构架,首先设计了适配模块、 同步调制模块和分集 接收模块等系统核心模块。