


  • Two months ago a sympathizer gave a full account of my poor life in a long article to Guangzhou Republic Daily supplement .

    两个月以前,一个 同情我的 上海 朋友 寄稿到广州《民国日报》的副刊, 许多 关于我的生活的

  • You 're a Jew sympathizer .

    你是个犹太人的 同情

  • Maybe somebody on payroll maybe a sympathizer .

    可能是雇的人也可能是个 支持者

  • Sometimes a sympathizer is one step away from a lover .

    有时侯, 同情 与情人仅一步 遥。

  • Why didn 't you give us your correct name ? Are you a German sympathizer ?

    那为什么不告诉我们你的真名?难道你是德国的 同情

  • His reputation as a left-wing sympathizer added to the irony of the situation .

    支持 左翼的名声使局面更具讽刺意味。

  • An activist and North Korean sympathizer slashed Lippert on the face and wrist Thursday as he prepared to give a speech at a lecture hall in Seoul .

    上星期四,李柏特在首尔一个会议厅准备发表演讲时,一 同情朝鲜的活动分子割伤了他的脸部和手腕。

  • You must be a GOP sympathizer ? And you 're feeling defensive for them ? What about your country ?

    你肯定是是一个共和党 同情 ?你到底是替群众 说话 还是 共和党 说话?你的国家是啥?

  • But it 's believed that he was more than just a sympathizer .

    不过据说他不只是一个 同情

  • These villagers are guerrilla sympathizers .

    这些村民 拥护游击队。

  • Also rumored to have been a Nazi sympathizer .

    也有传言说 支持 纳粹党。