
  • Compare and contrast with XS and SWIG


  • We will cover xs : assertion in the next section when we discuss assertions on simple type definitions .

    我们将在下一节讨论简单类型定义断言时介绍 xs:assertion

  • The list can correspond to a DataStage link or to a repeating XML element ( i.e.an element with maxOccur > 1 ) or to an xs : List in XML schema .

    列表可以与一个DataStage链接或一个重复的XML元素(例如,maxOccur>1的一个元素)或XML架构中的一个 xs:List相对应。

  • Replace the xs : duration type given for the attributes of the Expires assertion as this is not supported by the validator .

    替换为Expires断言的属性提供的 xs:duration类型,因为验证器不支持该类型。

  • Types – The data types used by the Web service such as symbol and price ( or simply xs : string and xs : decimal ) .

    类型&Web服务使用的数据类型,例如代号和价格(或者只是 xs:string和xs:decimal)。

  • Similarly the values of the seconds component allows an arbitrary unsigned xs : decimal .

    类似地,秒组件的值也支持任意的无符号 xs:decimal

  • As with complex type definition the assertions are an ordered sequence of xs : assertion elements specified as facets in the simple type definition .

    和复杂类型定义一样,断言是一组被指定为简单类型定义facet的一组有序的 xs:assertion元素序列。

  • It has an empty content model because of its empty xs : sequence element .

    它有一个空的内容模型,因为它的 xs:sequence元素为空。

  • We can also specify xs : assert on xs : restriction or xs : extension when defining a complex type with complex content ( xs : complexContent ) or simple content ( xs : simpleContent ) .

    我们还可以在使用复杂内容(xs:complexContent)或简单内容(xs:simpleContent)定义复杂类型时对xs:restriction或xs:extension指定 xs:assert

  • Since in the query the variable was defined as xs : string you want the type XQItemType.XQBASETYPE_STRING .

    由于查询中变量被定义为 xs:string,因此需要XQItemType.XQBASETYPESTRING类型。

  • Each execution group can host a WebSphere XS catalog server container server or both .

    每个执行组可托管一个WebSphere XS目录服务器、容器服务器或二者同时 托管

  • Note that you can delay the start of the animation by using a + Xs in the begin attribute .

    注意可以在begin属性中使用“ +Xs”使动画延迟开始。

  • The element declaration for title has a base type of xs : anyType and specifies five type alternatives .

    title的元素声明有一个 xs:anyType基类型并且指定了5个类型替换。

  • We assign the type for this alternative to be xs : error to signal that if this condition is satisfied the element is invalid .

    我们将这个替换的类型指定为 xs:error以表示如果条件得到满足,元素就是无效的。

  • Since the UML metamodel is stored in XML generating the schema is as simple as writing an XSLT template that matches all instances of UML : Class and converts them to xs : element .

    因为UML元模型保存在XML中,生成模式就只需要编写一个XSLT模板,让其匹配所有的UML:Class实例,并将其转化为 xs:element

  • For a description of WebSphere XS see Product overview in the WebSphere XS information center .

    有关WebSphere XS的描述,请参阅WebSphereXS信息中心中的产品概述。

  • The type specified must be derived from the declared type or a special simple type definition called xs : error ( which has no valid instances ) .

    指定的type必须派生于声明的类型或称为 xs:error的特殊简单类型定义(没有有效实例)。

  • UML : Model becomes xs : schema ; its target namespace is derived from the model name .

    Model变成 xs:schema;目标名称空间从模型名导出。

  • In an XML schema document these are specified as a sequence of xs : alternative child elements of the element declaration .

    在XML模式文档中,这些内容被指定为元素声明的 xs:alternative子元素的序列。

  • The last xs : alternative child of the element declaration is allowed to omit the test attribute .

    元素声明中的最后一个 xs:alternative子元素可以忽略test属性。

  • You can add these using the xs : any construct .

    您可以使用 xs:any构造添加此类 片段

  • Also hardeep was implicitly cast to XML type ( xs : string ) .

    另外,hardeep被隐式转换为XML类型( xs:string)。

  • If no such xs : alternative is specified the default type definition is the one which was declared for the element .

    如果没有指定任何此类 xs:alternative,那么元素将声明默认的类型定义。

  • UML : Attribute become a local XML element declaration ( xs : element ) .

    Attribute变成本地XML元素声明( xs:element)。

  • You do not need to install WebSphere XS alongside the broker or any other additional components or products .

    无需与代理一起安装WebSphere XS,以及其他任何额外的组件或产品。

  • Another consideration is the requirement for advanced features of WebSphere XS .

    另一个考虑因素是对WebSphere XS的高级功能的需求。

  • Connectivity to a remote a WebSphere XS installation from WebSphere Message Broker is not covered by this article .

    本文不会介绍从WebsphereMessageBroker到一个远程WebSphere XS安装的连接。