swallow hard

[ˈswɑlo hɑː(r)d][ˈswɔləu hɑrd]


  • Some Asian countries are squeamish about the effect of non-traditional security on their sovereignty . They should swallow hard .

    某些亚洲国家在非传统安全对其主权所产生影响方面多有顾忌,它们应当 努力 接受新观念。

  • The Chinese place a premium on group harmony so foreigners should try to swallow hard be polite and cope privately .

    中国人崇尚群体和谐,因此外国人应该要 低调,要礼貌,要私下处理争端。

  • She had to restrain herself and swallow hard in her position as a housemaid .

    她身为女仆,不得不克制自己, 忍气吞声

  • I 've heard that if you open your mouth and swallow hard your ears won 't pop .

    我听说如果张开嘴, 使劲 唾沫,耳朵就不会胀痛了。