Unconditional entanglement swapping of continuous variables & quantum teleportation of entangled state
连续变量无条件纠缠 交换&纠缠 态的量子离物传送
Quantum entanglement swapping i.e. the teleportation of entanglement state is a basic method used for developing quantum communication and quantum information network .
纠缠 交换,即纠缠 态的量子离物传送,是实现远程量子通讯及量子信息网络的必要手段之一。
We study entanglement swapping by using Bell measurement of entangled state representation of continuum variables . We give the realization and results of entanglement swapping and find that entanglement swapping can obtain en-tanglement .
我们研究了在连续纠缠 态表象下利用Bell测量来实现纠缠 交换的问题,并具体给出了纠缠交换的实现过程及结果,发现纠缠交换可以获得纠缠。
[计] 交换状态