

  • XE & Rack shift coefficient for adjustment of tooth thickness .

    按照 字面是:调节齿厚的齿条位移系数。

  • Separation and determination of ~ ( 123 ) xe from reaction of ~ ( 12 ) c + in

    从~(12)C+In的反应中 在线分离和测定~(123) Xe

  • This paper reports the study of cerebral blood flow measurement in 10 Rhesus monkeys using 133Xe inhalation .

    本文报告了用 ~ 133 Xe吸入 测定10只猕猴大脑血流量的研究。

  • Hyperpolarized ~ ( 129 ) Xe NMR Spectroscopy Investigation of Metal Cation-Exchanged FAU Zeolites

    不同金属离子交换的FAU型分子筛的超极化~(129) XeNMR研究

  • Surface morphology of GaN bombarded by highly charged ~ ( 126 ) Xe ~ ( q + ) ions

    高电荷态离子~(126) Xe~(q+)引起GaN表面形貌变化研究

  • With the analysis on the Raman spectrum and Nano-hardness results of Xe ions irradiated samples the limitation of Raman test was discussed as well as the reasons of the Nano-hardness decreasing .

    通过对 Xe离子辐照样品的拉曼光谱以及纳米硬度结果的分析,论述了拉曼光谱在本工作中的局限性,并讨论了导致样品纳米硬度下降的可能因素。

  • The new features in RAD Studio XE highlighted in this preview include the following

    视频重点介绍了RADStudio XE中所包含的如下新特性

  • Xe flash lamps are adopted as light source of solar simulation flash-lamp array in order to solve the problem of control a special control system for xenon lamp was designed .

    太阳模拟灯阵采用 氙灯作为太阳模拟光源,本文专门设计了氖灯光源控制系统。

  • Experimental study on fluorescent spectral properties of methanol solutions with different concentrations excited by different wavelength UV light is carried out . The applied measuring system is SP-2558 multi-functional spectral measuring system and different wavelength UV light is obtained by exciting spectrometer with Xe lamp .

    应用SP-2558多功能光谱测量系统,由 Xe灯通过激发光谱仪获得不同波长的紫外光,对不同浓度甲醇溶液在不同波长紫外光激励下产生荧光光谱的特性进行了实验研究。

  • The total photoabsorption cross sections of ethyl animate have been measured using the double ion chamber technique at 160 nm with a Xe resonance lamp .

    采用了双离子化室技术,用 Xe共振光(波长为160nm)测定了乙基胺类化合物的总的先吸收横截面积。

  • Low-Temperature Release Mechanism of Kr and Xe in Fuel Pellet

    燃料棒芯块中Kr、 Xe的低温释放机理

  • Development of purification technology to remove fluoride impurities from Kr and Xe and applications

    氪气与 氙气中氟化物杂质净除技术的研究与应用

  • Also you can use monitoring tools like IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE ( has to be purchased separately ) to provide you a snapshot view of the DB2 sub-system or its applications / threads .

    另外,您可以使用IBMTivoliOMEGAMON XE这样的监控工具(需另行购买)来提供DB2子系统或其应用程序/线程的一个快照视图。

  • You can avoid this situation by monitoring channel status and alerting operations staff to channel problems using products such as Omegamon XE for Messaging and Tivoli Monitoring .

    您可以使用Omegamon XEforMessaging和TivoliMonitoring这样的产品来监控通道状况并就通道问题向操作人员发出警报,从而避免这种情况发生。

  • Absolute measurement of radioactive gas concentration of ~ ( 133 ) Xe

    ~(133) Xe气体放射性浓度的绝对测定

  • Study of Xe_2Br excimer

    Xe 2Br准分子研究

  • Collisional excitation and relaxation of N ( B ~ 3 ∏ _g ) high vibrational levels in Xe

    N2(B~3Ⅱg)高振动态在 Xe 原子中的碰撞激发和弛豫

  • Analysis of Kr and Xe in Mixed Gas by Pulse Discharge Helium Ionization Detector with High Sensitivity

    高灵敏度的脉冲氦离子化检测器分析混合气体中的Kr、 Xe

  • Luminous spectra and electrical characteristics of gas mixtures : Ar + He Kr + He He + Ne He + Xe Kr + Ar and Ar + Hg are studied to find a gas mixture which gives blue-green colour for the AC plasma display panel .

    为了寻求一种供等离子体显示板用的发蓝绿光的混合气体,本文对 Ar+He、Kr+He、 He+Ne、He+Xe、Kr+Ar和Ar+Hg混合气体的发光光谱和电特性进行了研究。

  • There mist Xe wet brow .

    却有水雾 湿了眉间。

  • The gas centrifuge technology is studied for the separation of Xe isotopes .

    采用离心法进行了 同位素离心分离。

  • For Europe 's largest auto maker Volkswagen AG ( VLKAY VOW . XE ) China became its largest sales region last year .

    而对于欧洲最大的汽车生产商大众汽车公司( VolkswagenAG)来说,去年中国就已经成了它销量最大的地区。

  • The experimental results of Xe and N 2 are given .

    利用该方法获得了 Xe 原子和N2 分子的一些实验结果。

  • In the test for continue-irradiance Kr Lamp and pulse-irradiance Xe Lamp it is very important for measuring the Kr lamp irradiating power and Xe lamp irradiating energy .

    根据氪灯、 氙灯发光的工作原理,介绍了氪灯发光总功率和氙灯发光总能量检测系统。

  • Investigation of Quadrupole UHF Discharge Excitation for Xe Laser


  • Based on a Hartree-Slater self-consistent theory we calculate two-photon ionization cross-sections of Cs and Xe as illustrative examples .

    我们在Hartree-Slater自洽场理论的基础上,以Cs, Xe 原子为例,具体计算了其双光子电离截面。

  • The Nano-dot Effect Induced by Impact of Highly Charged Xe ~ ( q + ) Ion on the Mica Surface

    高电荷态 Xe~(q+)离子轰击云母表面产生纳米点效应的研究

  • It could provide the base and possibility for quantum computers using laser enhanced solid and liquid 129 Xe .

    为将激光增强固体和液体 129Xe用于量子计算提供了基础和可能。

  • Measurements of surface hardness and electric resistance of Cu-Ti bilayer and multilayer films implanted with 350 keV Xe + ion-beam are presented to discuss the ageing effect on them with TEM analysis .

    分别给出了能量为350keV的 Xe~+注入Cu/Ti双层(RT)和Cu/Ti多层(LN)薄膜后的表面硬度和电阻的测量结果,研究了混合后的上述性质的时效效果,同时进行了TEM分析。

  • DHL a unit of Deutsche Post AG ( DPW . XE ) of Germany now serves mainland China from a hub in Hong Kong a special administrative zone of China that enjoys a degree of self-government .
