


  • This paper introduces the invite bidding of medical equipment emphasizes the practice process grade point standard and the work discipline of the syndic .

    本文介绍了医疗设备的招标 采购,具体介绍了 招标 采购 组织 实施过程, 招标 采购的评分标准及 评委的工作纪律。

  • He was syndic of China Youth Poetry Academy .

    中国青年诗歌学会 理事

  • He is a member of China Writers'Association and syndic of Shanghai Writers'Association .

    中国作家协会会员,上海作家协会 理事

  • At present he is a member of China Writeers'Association and a syndic of china Poetry Academy and some other positions of some nationwide learned societies .

    现为中国作家协会会员,并担任中国诗歌学会 理事等多个全国性学术团体的职务。

  • Syndic Institution : A New Perspective about Breaking through the Limitation of Novelty Searching Professionals

    评审 制度:突破查新 主体局限的新视角

  • Youli Company is the syndic unit of the Chinese Ferment Association ; it is vastitude at the technologies of biological zymogen cultivation .

    优利公司属中国发酵协会 理事单位,在生物发酵菌种培育方面拥有多项成熟专有技术。

  • Syndic and Supervisor Research Center of Public Policy Society for China Economic System Reform .

    中国经济体制改革研究会特聘 研究员,公共政策研究中心 理事、监事。