syndicate loan

[ˈsɪndɪkɪt lon][ˈsindikit ləun]


  • The separate nature regarding the relations between each member and the borrower side by side with internal legal relations within the syndicate is the main framework feature of syndicate loan .

    银团各成员与借款人之间彼此独立的权利、义务关系和银团内部法律关系并存正是 银团 贷款法律关系的架构特点所在。

  • Generally it is considered that the formation of the main bank system originated on the syndicate loan of the wartime of Japan and the overlapping shares institution began in the postwar period .

    传统认为日本企业集团金融制度中的主银行制度起源于日本战时的 辛迪加 贷款,而相互持股制度则是从日本战后开始形成的。

  • This paper reviews two cases of syndicate loan in Shangdong province to show three necessary conditions for the success of syndicate loan .

    本文通过剖析山东省 银团 贷款组织成功与失败的两个典型案例,分析了银团贷款成功需要必备的三个条件;

  • Attempts to syndicate the loan had failed amid a falling oil price .

    在油价不断下滑的情况下, 组建 银团安排这笔 贷款的尝试失败了。

  • On the Spread of Bank Syndicate Loan in Our Country

    银团 贷款在我国的推广

  • As a corollary the syndicate loan under provincial level should be targeted on private - owned enterprise financing at county level .

    得出了省以下 银团 贷款目标 市场存在于县域民营企业,同时 银团贷款也是支持民营企业最有效方式的结论。