synchronized clock


  • His watch has been accurately synchronized with the church clock .

    他的表是按教堂的 加以精确 校准的。

  • This paper proposes a method based on the integral de-multiplication technique and GPS synchronized clock to generate the global synchronized checking reference signal of PMU .

    提出利用对晶振信号进行整数分频并结合GPS 同步 时钟生成相量测量装置(PMU)异地同步校核中基准信号的方法。

  • The scheme does not require the offline assumptions about delays and the synchronized clock in the network so it is a practical way to disposed of the induced delays in NCS .

    此控制方案克服了对网络时延离线的盲目假设,而且在具体实施中不需要网络 同步 时钟技术的支持,因此具有一定程度的实用性。

  • All-optical 10 Gbit / s and 20 Gbit / s NRZ-to-RZ format conversions are successfully demonstrated in the experiment . The synchronized pump optical clock is obtained with the help of all-optical clock recovery .

    实验实现了基于cSHG/DFG、cSFG/DFG10Gbit/s和20Gbit/sNRZ到RZ的码型转换,采用全光时钟提取的方法获得 同步抽运光 时钟

  • A synchronized high-speed sampling scheme is proposed which can obtain high precise time to diminish the influence of GPS ( Global Position System ) clock error on two-terminal traveling wave fault locating for implementing on-line power cable fault locating .

    为减小全球定位系统(GPS) 同步 时钟误差对双端行波测距的影响,使电缆故障在线测距能达到实用化水平,提出一种能够获取精确时标的高速 同步采样方案。

  • The research paper by the expansion of GPS synchronized time clock system includes GPS receiver module GPS antenna and the core control system .

    本论文所研究的GPS 标准 时钟系统主要包括GPS接收机模块,GPS天线以及核心控制系统。

  • The generator angle of each unit in a power system is obtained by using GPS synchronized clock the transient stability is then predicted using time-series method which is on line corrected by fuzzy controller real timely to determine the power network transient stability .

    利用GPS 同步 时钟获得系统各机组的功角,然后由时间序列法进行预测,并通过模糊控制器实行在线实时修正,进而确定电力系统暂态稳定性。

  • The utility model discloses a clock synchronized frequency multiplication circuit in particular relating to clock synchronized frequency multiplication circuit in circuit design and PLC design .

    本实用新型公开一种时钟 同步倍频电路,尤其涉及电路设计和可编程逻辑器件设计中 时钟倍频电路。

  • The other hand the central node receives the synchronized system clock and trigger signal from the timing signal fiber optic network which provided by the core module .

    另一方面从时序信号光纤网接收核心模块提供的 精确 同步系统 时钟和触发信号,从而 同步控制的子系统。

  • Two regulators share the same clock and run in-phase and the chip can be synchronized to an external clock signal and provides good noise performance .

    芯片中两个调整器同相运行且可以和外部 时钟信号 同步,减少芯片输出的噪声干扰。

  • The high performance microprocessors used nowadays are all synchronized systems which read and / or write datas controlled by clock signals .

    目前所使用的所有高性能微处理器都是 同步系统,使用 时钟信号控制数据的读写。

  • Application of GPS Synchronized Clock to Power System Transient Stability Control

    GPS 同步 时钟用于电力系统暂态稳定控制的初步研究

  • The tickets have a time availability period and if the host clock is not synchronized with the Kerberos server clock the authentication fails .

    票据有一个时间可用段,如果主机时钟与Kerberos服务器 时钟同步,则认证失败。

  • The write-operation of SDRAM is started by the output clock of image-sensor and synchronized by the SDRAM main clock . The DSP is informed by CPLD when one frame image has been acquired .

    图像缓存过程由DSP启动,在缓存过程中,SDRAM写操作首先被图像传感器的输出时钟触发,然后由SDRAM的主 时钟进行 同步,在一帧图像采集完成后CPLD通知DSP图像采集结束。