synchronous impedance

[ˈsɪŋkrənəs ɪmˈpidns][ˈsɪŋkrənəs imˈpi:dəns]


  • Based on the relative theories about electric circuit and synchronous generators ' post-fault transient a practical method making use of node impedance matrix is proposed to calculate the instantaneous currents of a faulty power system .

    本文基于电路理论和 发电机的短路过渡过程理论,利用节点 阻抗阵推导出电力系统短路时短路电流瞬时值实用计算方法。

  • Improved out - of - step protection for synchronous generator based on the three - impedance element principle

    同步发电机三 阻抗元件失步保护原理的改进

  • On the basis of the mathematical model of a synchronous generator with passive impedance load this paper deals with the influence of parameters of a SCR self-excited excitation system upon its stability .

    本文在建立带无源 负载的 同步发电机数学模型的基础上,研究了可控硅自励励磁系统参数对发电机稳定性的影响。

  • A synchronous acquisition and analysis system of gastric electrogram and gastric impedance signal

    胃电和胃 阻抗信号的 同步采集与分析系统

  • Is paper propose a new automatic regulation theory of fast excitation during synchronous generator 's spinning up variable frequency and variable impedance .

    提出一种新的关于 同步发电机在起动后加速过程中实现快速励磁的自动控制理论,即变频变 阻抗理论。

  • The experiments show that the synchronous inversion of depth parameter and wave impedance of formation can give us the satisfactory result the asynchronous inver - sion fails to offer .

    试验结果表明,对地层深度参数和地层波 阻抗进行 同步反演,可以取得异步法反演所收不到的效果。