


  • Application-Oriented Tailorable Database Manager System

    面向应用的 嵌入式 裁减数据库管理系统

  • We review our recent work on the highly tailorable physical properties of silicon waveguides for communication and signal processing applications using slot structures .

    我们回顾了我们近期关于采用槽孔结构 裁减硅波导在通信和信号处理方面的物理属性的工作。

  • With high specific surface area ordered pore structure facilely tailorable pore size ( 2-3nm ) excellence Mesoporous molecular sieve MCM-41 often use macromolecule compose field and can used to the converge reactivity reactor .

    介孔分子筛MCM-41具有比表面积高、孔道结构规则及孔径分布均匀(约为2~ 3nm)等优点,可用在高分子合成领域,特别是聚合反应的反应器。

  • By changing the air hole parameters in the cladding region hole assisted lightguide fiber can display more tailorable dispersion and birefringence than conventional fibers .

    通过改变包层中空气孔的参数,孔助光纤( holeassistedlightguidefiber)具有比传统光纤更 容易 调节的色散和双折射特性。

  • A tailorable process that guided development

    一个指导开发的 裁剪的过程

  • This embedded system has advantage of execution efficiency software cubage communication handling ability multi-tasks modular tailorable and so on .

    本系统基于嵌入式系统开发,充分利用了嵌入式操作系统多任务能力和模块 剪裁 功能,以及 无线通信 网络 以太网通讯 费用 低廉等优势,在执行效率、程序代码量、通讯处理能力等方面有 强大优势。