


  • High frequency focusing technique in treatment of syringoma of eyelid : a clinical report of 106 cases

    高频聚焦 美容仪治疗眼睑 汗管 106例

  • Clinical Observation on Improved Multi-functional Electric Ion Therapy in The Treatement on Syringoma

    改良 多功能电离子治疗 治疗 汗管 的疗效观察

  • Expression of Progesterone Receptor and Estrogen Receptor in Syringoma

    汗管 雌孕激素受体表达的研究

  • Objective To determine the role of sexual hormone in the pathogenesis of syringoma .

    目的探讨性激素在 汗管 发生中的作用。

  • Clinical study on comparative treatment of syringoma with pulsed and continuous co_2 laser

    脉冲式与连续式CO2激光治疗 汗管 疗效观察

  • Objective To research an advanced method of syringoma operations .

    目的探索 治疗 汗管 的先进手术方法。

  • ( Conclusion ): Electrocautery is effective in the treatment of syringoma and the side effects are rare .

    结论:高频电灼法是 治疗 汗管 的有效方法,且不良反应 轻微

  • Clinically misdiagnosed as moles syringoma basal cell carcinoma .

    临床可误诊为黑痣、 汗管 、基底细胞癌等。

  • Pulsed CO_2 lasers for the treatment of syringoma

    脉冲二氧化碳激光治疗 汗管 疗效分析

  • Objective To observe the clinical results of eyelid syringoma which was treated with the high frequency focusing cosmetic instrument .

    目的观察高频聚焦美容仪治疗眼睑 汗管 的临床效果。

  • Treatment of Eyelid Syringoma by XH - hyperfrequency Skin Calleidic Machine : a Report of 20 Cases

    XH-超高频皮肤美容仪治疗眼睑部 汗管 20例

  • Conclusion Syringoma may be under the control of progesterone .

    结论 汗管 发生可能与孕激素 有关

  • Conclusion The pulsed CO2 laser is a better tool for treating syringoma in terms of safety efficiency and side effects .

    结论脉冲二氧化碳激光是治疗 汗管 的一种安全有效的方法。

  • Clinical observation on the treatment of syringoma with XH UHF orthopedic cosmetic apparatus

    XH-超高频整形美容仪治疗 汗管 的临床观察