


  • These results indicate that anti-inflammatory effects of syringin on AA rats are mediated by modulating the immune function of abnormal cells and the balance of cytokines .

    这些结果提示 丁香 改善AA大鼠异常的细胞免疫功能,调节细胞因子的平衡可能是其治疗AA大鼠 继发性炎症的作用机制。

  • Isolation and analysis of syringin in cell suspension cultures of Saussurea involucrata

    天山雪莲悬浮细胞培养物中 丁香 的分离及含量测定

  • The content of syringin of 1 ~ 3 year branches in the forest edge habitats is the highest and then the forest gap habitats but in the understory of the forest the content is the lowest .

    生境的 变化对枝中 丁香 的含量影响最大,林内生境枝中丁香 的含量最低,林隙生境较高,林缘生境最高。

  • Component C was identified as syringin . through the UV lamp positioning and HPLC chromatographic analysis and analysis the polysaccharides in the health wine by the phenol-sulfuric acid method .

    组分C经过在紫外灯下定位及HPLC色谱分析,被鉴定为 五加 B 丁香 。通过苯酚&硫酸法对养生酒进行了多糖含量的测定。

  • In the contrary with the branches the content of syringin in the basal stems is the highest in the understory habitats and then the forest gap but for the forest edge habitats it is the lowest .

    而茎基部 丁香苷的含量规律为林内生境最高,林隙生境次之,林缘生境最低。

  • Objective To study determination method of Syringin in CompoundCiwujiaSyrup by HPLC .

    目的建立复方刺 五加糖浆的含量测定方法。

  • Effect of yeast extract on syringin production in suspension cultures of Saussurea medusa

    酵母提取物对水母雪莲悬浮培养 合成 丁香 的影响

  • Besides under the best conditions the content of syringin in cell suspension culture is about 120 times of the content in wild S. involucrata medicinal material and the yield of syringin can reach 740 mg per liter .

    悬浮培养最佳条件下 丁香 含量约为野生天山雪莲的120倍,每升产量可达到 740mg。这些结果表明:采用天山雪莲组织细胞培养的方法生产活性成分紫丁香苷具有很好的前景。

  • The yield of syringin is about 0.3 % of the dry weight of cell cultures .

    丁香 得率约为细胞培养物干重的0.3%,同时对 分离得到的 丁香 进行了初步 药理 活性评价。

  • The syringin losing rate at this technology process is 0.32 % .

    此工艺条件下的 丁香 损失率为0.32%。

  • Syringin production and related secondary metabolism enzyme activities in suspension cultures of saussurea medusa treated with yeast extract were investigated .

    研究了酵母提取物诱导的水母雪莲悬浮培养时 丁香 生产和相关次级代谢酶的活性。

  • Determination of syringin in Aidi Injection by HPLC

    HPLC法测定艾迪注射液中 丁香 含量

  • The results showed Syringin had an enhanced effect in immunosuppressed mice mainly by improving nonspecific immunity humoral immunity and cell immunity .

    这些结果提示 丁香 通过提高免疫低下小鼠非特异性免疫、体液免疫和细胞免疫,而增强免疫低下小鼠的免疫功能。

  • All this results provided a basis for further studies on application of cell culture of S. involucrata for large-scale production of bioactive compound syringin .

    这些研究为通过天山雪莲细胞悬浮培养大规模生产活性成分 丁香 奠定了基础。

  • Calulation to the content of the syringin by the way of high performance .

    高效液相色谱法定性、 定量 测定 丁香 的含量。

  • Syringin content of Acanthopanax senticosus samples in Heilongjiang different zones measuring by HPLC method

    HPLC法测定黑龙江省不同地区刺五加 丁香 的含量

  • The determination method of the syringin content in the tablet South Acanthopanax Complex

    复方南五加片中 丁香 含量的测定法