symbolic variable

[sɪmˈbɑlɪk ˈvɛriəbəl][sɪmˈbɔlɪk ˈvɛəriəbl]


  • However as each entry in the determinant is symbolic that is a polynomial in variable ( s ) this leads to the intermediate expression swell ( or explosion ) problem in the expansion of determinant .

    但是,由于行列式中的元素通常是 符号 的,即其中每个元素都是关于 (或参数)的多项式,导致行列式展开时的中间计算过程膨胀(甚至爆炸)。

  • Symbolic solution for position analysis of robot with octahedral and decahedral variable geometry truss

    八面体及十面体 几何桁架机器人位置分析的 符号解法

  • The torsion vibration with damp calculation modeling method and software 's realization 's method combined by the Matlab program language realized in lab. The symbolic variable and simplifying step by step were employed such that the computing capacity was enlarged .

    并用该方法进行传动系扭振建模与编程的实现,基于Matlab面向对象软件实现方法,在程序中采用 符号 变量并用逐次化简 符号数值的方法增加了求解容量。

  • Firstly the empirical density function of interval-valued symbolic variable is defined . Based on this methods of drawing the histogram and calculating of mean variance covariance and correlation functions for interval-valued symbolic variable are given .

    首先讨论了区间型 符号 变量的经验密度函数的计算,在此基础上,给出了直方图的绘制方法,并研究了均值和方差、协方差和相关函数的计算。

  • Effective Scale and Visibility of Symbolic Variable

    符号 变量的作用域及可视性

  • The symbolic function in the variable structure control is replaced by the saturation function to reduce the chattering which is brought by the variable structure control system .

    同时对 结构控制律中包含的 符号函数项,采取了用饱和函数来代替的方法以尽可能地抑制变结构系统所带来的抖振。

  • Symbolic Solutions of Inverse Displacement Analysis for Triple Octahedron Variable Geometry Truss Manipulators

    三重八面体 几何桁架机器人间接位置分析的 符号

  • The Discretization of State-space Equation Based on Symbolic Variable Operation

    基于 符号 变量运算的状态空间方程离散化

  • Firstly a symbolic function is employed to replace the stretching operation of input variable and a symbol-type adaptive fuzzy control scheme is provided .

    首先,使用 符号函数替代输入 变量的伸缩运算,提出一种符号型自适应模糊控制。

  • A symbolic constant is a constant that is represented by a name just as a variable is represented .

    符号常量是一个用名字表示的常量,正如一个 变量所表示的。