symmetry factor

[ˈsɪmɪtri ˈfæktɚ][ˈsimitri ˈfæktə]


  • Because this method with a symmetry punishment factor makes better use of the information in differentiating grades the results of its decision are more reasonable than those of other methods .

    该方法运用 对称 惩罚 因子使等级划分中的信息得到比较充分的利用,最终的决策结果也更趋于合理。

  • This paper establishes a model theory for a four identical boson system investigates the origin of the structural characters of the low-lying state and finds that the quantum mechanical symmetry is the key factor in determining the structure of a few body system .

    本文建立了一个全同四玻 色子系统的模型理论,并深入探讨了系统低激发态结构的本质,发现 对称 是少体系统结构特征的起源。

  • Under both hypothesis of information symmetry and ideal market CAPM regards system risk as the influential factor of equity capital cost . We can estimate equity capital cost via pricing system risk .

    在信息 对称、市场完美的假设下,资本资产定价模型认为 影响权益资本成本的是系统风险,通过对系统风险定价可以估计权益资本成本。

  • Gross morphological observation of tibial muscle : Bilateral tibial muscle was symmetry there was no obvious muscular atrophy and muscular tension was normal in the acidic fibroblast growth factor + fibrin gel carrier group ;

    各组胫前肌大体形态学观察结果:酸性成纤维细胞生长 因子+纤维蛋白凝胶载体组两侧胫前肌 对称且无明显肌萎缩,肌张力正常;

  • The analysis results show that broadening subgrade in bilateral symmetry style is advantageous to improving the stability safety factor and gets good results for diminishing the differential settlement of the new and old subgrade top surfaces and the lateral displacement of foundation .

    分析表明,双侧 对称式拓宽更有利于提高路基稳定安全 系数,在削减新旧路基顶面差异沉降及地基侧向位移方面表现良好,而单侧式拓宽新旧路基顶面差异沉降较大。

  • Symmetry Degeneracy and the Non - Abelian Berry Phase Factor

    对称 简并和非阿贝尔Berry相位 因子