symbol plotting

[计] 符号绘制

  • Based on the theory of parameterized curve the author presents the design of military symbol to serve as the basis of battlefield situational plotting . And further based on the technology of XML and NetMeeting COM the system realizes the functionality of remote real-time synergetic military plotting .

    在参数曲线的理论基础上,详细介绍了系统中军标 符号的设计方法,实现了态势 功能,并采用XML和NetMeetingCOM组件技术进一步实现了远程实时协同态势 绘功能。

  • The creating technique of a rock symbol library is a kernel of plotting column by a computer . It has a direct effect on the quality of a rock symbol pattern and the program availability .

    岩石 花纹库的生成技术是计算机 绘制柱状 剖面 的核心 环节,它直接关系到岩石花纹图案的质量和程序的实用性。

  • The area symbol 's automatic plotting plays an important role in the thematic mapping systems .

    在专题制图系统中,面 符号的自动 绘制具有重要意义。