


  • Changes of electrocardiogram in circulatory failure dogs induced by sarin soman tabun and VX

    胆碱酯酶 抑制剂 神经毒剂中毒诱发犬循环衰竭时心电图的变化

  • VX is the most deadly nerve gas and Tabun is the least deadly ( although still very hazardous ) .

    VX是最致命的神经毒气,而 (尽管还是非常危险的) 毒性最小的。

  • Nerve agents such as Sarin Tabun and Soman are parts of organic phosphorus esters to which organophosphorus pesticide belong .

    神经性毒剂沙林、 、梭曼与有机磷 农药敌敌畏等同属于有机磷酸酯类化合物。

  • Studies on Determination of tabun and ethyl phosphate in water by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

    水样中 和磷酸乙酯的气相色谱-质谱测定方法的研究