


  • A Study on Surveying Method in Seismic Prospecting in Loess Tableland (″ Yuan ″) Area

    黄土 区地震勘探测量方法研究

  • An elevated comparatively level expanse of land ; a tableland .

    高原高的,比较平的大片土地; 高原

  • The forests have changed into bare little hills ; the riverbed has become a high tableland .

    森林变成了光秃秃的浅山,河床变成了高高的 台地

  • To the West and the southwest of the tableland lie the Togo mountains .

    多哥的西部和西南部是 多哥山脉。

  • Flintcomb-Ash being in the middle of the cretaceous tableland over which no railway had climbed as yet it would be necessary to walk .

    燧石山地处白垩质 高原的中心,直到现在还没有火车通到这儿,所以她只有靠步行到那儿去。

  • The community diversity of arthropod was investigated in forest-steppe ecotone in southeast edge of Inner Mongolia tableland .

    内蒙古 高原东南部森林草原过渡带位于中国东部季风气候尾闾区,是全球变化研究的关键区域。

  • Discussion on the Problem of Development and Improvement of Wheat Varieties on the Loess Tableland Area

    黄土 小麦品种改进与发展问题之探讨

  • Fan Selection when Boiler Operates in Tableland Area

    锅炉在 高原地区运行时风机的选择 简析

  • Research on Seismic Field Data Acquisition Method in Loess Tableland Ravine Area

    黄土 沟壑区地震野外资料采集方法研究

  • Analysis on Quality of Rainwater Harvested in Rural Area in Loess Tableland

    黄土 地区村镇集蓄雨水的水质特性分析

  • Genetic diversity of ancient tea gardens and tableland tea gardens from Yunnan Province as revealed by AFLP marker Landscape Architecture Constructing in University Campus of Guizhou Province-Enlightenment From the Beautiful University Campus Selection of Guizhou Province

    古茶园、 台地茶园遗传多样性的AFLP分析贵州高校校园园林绿化建设思考&贵州高校优美校园评选活动启示

  • Type B includes tableland hill and low mountain ;

    B类: 台地、中低山丘陵;

  • The sedimentary environments are the shallow-water shelf tableland margin lagoon tidal flat and tableland shallow sea .

    沉积环境为浅水陆棚相、 台地边缘及泻湖、潮坪、台地浅海。

  • Development Status Overview of Seismic Prospecting Technology in Loess Tableland

    黄土 地震勘探技术发展现状综述

  • Lord lift me up and let me stand By faith on Heavens tableland .

    扶持我,使我上升,凭信站立天的 高峰

  • The coldest area is in the plateau area of Tasmania and southeast corner of the tableland and mainland .

    最冷的地区在塔斯马尼亚的高原地带及 台地和大陆的东南角。

  • This paper describes and studies in detail the new materials of chalicotheres found from the late Middle Miocene Tunggur Formation of the Tunggur Tableland Inner Mongolia China .

    本文对采自内蒙古通古尔中中新世晚期通 古尔组的爪兽化石进行了详细的描述与研究。

  • The characteristics of transitional belt deposition between the Northeast Sichuan carbonate evaporation tableland eastern edge and the deepwater trough and its control action on oolitic beach distribution are studied in the paper through analyzing field geological sections and contrasting drilling profiles .

    本文通过野外剖面的 分析并与钻井剖面进行对比研究了川东北碳酸盐蒸发 台地东缘与深水海槽沉积的过渡带沉积特征及其对鲕滩分布的控制作用。

  • Distribution features and environmental risk assessment of heavy metals in apple tree plantations in Luochuan tableland


  • Study on Quality Comparison of Old Plant Tea and Tableland Tea

    老树茶与 地茶品质比较研究

  • The earthquake-induced landslides distributed in the tableland surface gentle slope hills and tableland of the valley is consistent with the cave dwelling and the engineering construction .

    地震在 面、缓坡丘陵和川台地上所造成的崩塌,与窑洞住宅和采矿业的分布基本一致。

  • From component and the content of mineral old plant tea and tableland tea have their own top quality .

    化成分与矿物质含量来看,老树茶与 台地各有千秋,不能简单、 武断地讲 劣、 差。

  • A study of soil moisture under different models of land use in Changwu tableland Distribution Characteristics of PAHs in Soil Profiles of Different Irrigation Areas

    长武 不同土地利用条件下土壤水分深剖面分布特征比较多环芳烃在不同灌区土壤精细剖面的分布特征研究

  • This site is located at the tableland of Mingyue dam southern bank of Pengxi River northern Changjiang River and belongs to Zouma Village Gaoyang Town Yunyang Town of Chongqing City .

    明月坝遗址位于长江北恻支流澎溪河南岸的明月坝 台地上,属重庆市云阳县高阳镇走马村。

  • Comprehensive monitoring and control system of Qingzang railway is put forward to be built in order to guarantee the safety operation for the high-class tableland railway .

    为了保障青藏铁路一流的 高原铁路安全运营,提出了建设青藏铁路综合监控中心系统。

  • Area error caused by different data and projection surface in tableland

    高原 地区不同坐标 及投影面引起的面积误差

  • On the basis of authors observation and survey soil erosion characters and erosive regularity were studied for Shaoling tableland of Chang an County .

    根据作者的观察和测量,文章对长安县少陵 土壤侵蚀特征和侵蚀规律进行了研究。

  • Night slowly reached the tableland .

    夜,款款地来到 高原上。

  • Relationship between the Characteristic of Lithology-lithofacies and Distribution of Fractures in Carboniferous Reservoirs Northwest Margin of Junggar Basin Diagenesis and diagenetic facies of reservoir rocks of Majiagou Formation in southern Jingbian tableland Ordos Basin

    准噶尔盆地西北缘石炭系火山岩岩性岩相特征与裂缝分布关系靖边潜台南部地区马家沟组储集岩的成岩作用及 成岩相