systematic engineering

[ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk ˌɛndʒəˈnɪrɪŋ][ˌsistəˈmætik ˌendʒiˈniəriŋ]


  • Harmonious society is a systematic engineering its core question is moral issue .

    摘要和谐社会是一个 系统 工程,和谐社会的核心问题是道德问题。

  • EGE is benifit-free and characterized by complexity and integrity so it is not simple and standard engineering but integrated systematic engineering .

    它不是一项简单的、规范的工程,而是一项具有公益性、复杂性和综合 特点的 系统 工程

  • This paper analyzes and assesses the basic requirements for the design manufacture erection lifting transportation and operation of the equipment by using a systematic engineering method and a study of the characteristics of the metal structures and equipment as well .

    为此采用 系统 工程方法,对在设计、制造、安装、吊装运输和运行各环节中的基本要求(目标)进行了分析估计,对其金属结构设备的特点进行了研究。

  • This work begins with the connotation of packaging engineering and system engineering by describing the new idea of packaging systematic engineering .

    由包装工程和系统工程的内涵分析入手,提出了当代经济发展中包装 系统 工程的新概念。

  • Safety Analysis and Assessment for Human-Machine-Environment Systematic Engineering

    人-机-环境 系统 工程安全分析与评价研究

  • It is a complicated systematic engineering to the honesty education for college students .

    对大学生的诚信教育是一项复杂的 系统 工程

  • The3D printing formaion technology is a systematic engineering with an intersection of multi-branches of learning .

    摘要三维打印成形技术是一个多学科交叉的 系统 工程

  • By applying the theories of traffic engineering and systematic engineering a software of traffic analysis and evaluation system of Shanghai highway net will be developed as a main achievement in traffic survey of Shanghai highway net data .

    摘要运用交通工程、 系统 工程的理论方法,开发《上海公路网交通分析评价系统》软件,作分析和应用上海市公路网交通调查数据的主要成果形式。

  • The comprehensive research on warship shock-resistance is an integrated and complex systematic engineering .

    舰艇的抗冲击研究是一项综合且复杂的 系统 工程

  • Course Teaching is a complicated systematic engineering .

    课程教学是一项复杂的 系统 工程

  • The design process of products is a complex systematic engineering integrating multifold knowledge .

    产品设计过程是一项复杂的 系统 工程,是多种知识的有效集成和耦合。

  • In short controlling administrative cost is a complicated and systematic engineering with using and harmonizing various ways .

    总而言之,行政成本控制是一个复杂的 系统 工程,应将各种方法协调一致。

  • Afforestation countermeasures for mountain waste in Saihanba Tree Farm is discussed using systematic engineering .

    运用 系统 工程分析的观点对塞罕坝林场今后的荒山造林对策进行了探讨。

  • The optimum principle is reasonable and feasible in a particular controlled systematic engineering but it is not necessarily so when it goes beyond a certain scope .

    最佳原则在特定的 系统 工程控制中是合理和可行的,但超出特定的范围,就不一定合理和可行。

  • Digital city is a systematic engineering and the construction of it must be carried out from general design .

    数字城市建设正在我国各大、中城市蓬勃兴起,数字城市是一项 系统 工程,其建设应该从 系统的总体设计着手文中以数字长。

  • Second introducing the related theory of safety and safety systematic engineering and methods of analyzing accident .

    其次介绍了安全和安全 系统 工程的有关原理和事故分析的方法;

  • Risk management of agricultural products is a systematic engineering and financial engineering construction is the modern tool to manage the price risks .

    农产品价格风险管理是一个 系统 工程,金融工程建设是价格风险管理的现代手段。

  • All of these would provide the basis for establishing the integrated monitoring system of dust storms and the systematic engineering of disasters prevention and disasters reduction .

    为建立沙尘暴灾害性天气综合监测、防灾减灾 系统 工程 设计 建设,为当地沙尘暴天气联报联防和 科学 研究等,都提供了重要依据。

  • Currently there is still no intact evaluation system domestically and overseas for estimating whether a county 's domain development situation is a systematic engineering or not .

    评价某个县域发展状况是一个 系统 工程,目前在国内外尚没有一个完整的评价体系。

  • Cultivating talent is a systematic engineering needing meticulous planning organize implementation effective execution and tight control .

    人才培养工作是一项需要精心策划、组织实施、有效执行和严密控制的 系统 工程

  • Abstract : based on analyzing the machining process planning the universal process planning model is presented using the principle and method of systematic engineering . finally the process database has been established .

    文摘:在分析机械加工工艺规程基础上,运用 系统 工程学的原理和方法,建立了通用工艺规程模型。在此基础上,建立了工艺数据库。

  • The program for excellent courses is a kind of systematic engineering which should be worked jointly and harmoniously by people from many sides .

    精品课程建设是一项需要多方面共同参与的 系统 工程

  • The development of the higher adult education is a systematic engineering .

    成人高等教育的发展是一项 系统 工程,要做的工作很多。

  • Teaching quality is a systematic engineering .

    教学质量是一个 系统 工程

  • Research of sustainable development is a complicated systematic engineering .

    可持续发展的研究是一项复杂的 系统 工程

  • To produce a high quality learning technology system is a complicated systematic engineering .

    高质量学习技术系统的生产,是一个复杂的 系统 工程

  • Thus developing China 's west rural markets is a long-term and complicated systematic engineering .

    因此,开拓我国西部农村市场是一个长期而复杂的 系统 工程

  • How to construct the warehouse management information system of ship maintenance equipment is the comprehensive systematic engineering .

    如何建立一个船维修器材仓库管理信息系统是一项综合 系统 工程

  • The construction of two-oriented society and the development of low carbon economy are both included in the systematic engineering in Chinese low-carbon economic transition .

    建设“两型”社会与发展低碳经济都是中国经济低碳转型中的 系统 工程

  • The basic developing situation of China petroleum industry was analyzed the principles of sustainable developing and the methods of systematic engineering were introduced . The systematic model of China petroleum industry and the method used to evaluate sustainable developing were presented .

    分析了中国石油工业发展的基本现状,简述了可持续发展的基本原理和 系统 工程的方法,提出了中国石油工业的系统模型和可持续发展的综合评价方法。