symbolic representation

[sɪmˈbɑlɪk ˌrɛprɪzɛnˈteʃən][sɪmˈbɔlɪk ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃən]


  • 13 . Essentially a theory is an abstract symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality .

    理论在本质上是对认识了的现实的一种抽象和 符号 表达

  • In front the car has taken on Kia 's family-look radiator grille which is based on a symbolic representation of a tiger 's roaring countenance whatever that means .

    在前面的赛车已经采取的“起亚家庭期待散热器格栅的基础是一个 象征 代表 虎的咆哮的面容,”不管这意味着。

  • This article study from the relationship of cognitive style mathematical representation and mathematical problem-solving to reveal how the symbolic representation and graphic representation act on the process of mathematical problem-solving otherwise the study provide the theory basis of symbolic-graphic combination .

    本文从考察认知风格、数学问题表征和数学问题解决的关系入手探索数学解题中 认知 风格、数学问题表征的选取对 数学问题解决的影响,试图为数形结合的教学方式提供理论与实证的依据。

  • The results suggest : Most students are good at solving algorithm problems with symbolic representation while ill at conceptual problems with microscopic representation .

    结果表明:学生善于利用 符号 表征进行算法类问题解决,而拙于利用微观表征解决相关概念类问题。

  • Perception symbolic representation is low cognitive load and easy to store in the long-term memory and it can be quickly retrieved .

    知觉 符号 表征 形式具有低认知负荷、易存储于长时记忆、提取快捷等优点。

  • Endowed with the profound cultural connotations symbolic imagery is often the representation of certain emotions .

    象征意象蕴含着丰富的文化内涵,是诗人某种感情情绪的 代言

  • Information process model ( symbolic representation connectionism );

    信息加工模型( 符号 表征取向、联结主义取向);

  • They often overemphasize symbolic representation and aggrandize infant 's ability of academic learning and misunderstand the relationship between learning and development .

    过分强调 符号 表征;无限制地夸大婴幼儿的学业学习能力;狭隘地、简单化地理解学习与发展的关系。

  • Symbolic Representation of Information and Fuzzy and Multi-valued Symbolic Measurement

    信息的 符号 表示与模糊、多值符号化测量

  • Symbolic representation of timed Boolean functions and its application to circuit delay computation

    带时间参数布尔函数的 符号 表示及其在计算电路时间延迟中的应用

  • Symbolic data representation how pattern matching is used to pack / unpack data how functions are combined to form programs etc.

    抽象数据 表示,模式匹配来打包/解包数据,函数如何组合成为程序等。

  • In the novel of Confucius multiple characters of the research exploration and search focuses not on the history of the real Confucius looks but to seek Confucius in literary works as a symbol of the symbolic meaning representation .

    对小说中多元化孔子形象的研究,侧重点不是探求和追寻历史上真实的孔子容貌,而是寻求孔子在文学作品中作为象征性 符号 表征意义。

  • The symbolic value of tourist commodities or souvenirs is the most important representation of the symbolic consumption of tourism .

    现代大众旅游时代,无论是旅游 经历还是旅游商品都是 符号,其背后隐藏着含而不露的 社会 文化 象征 意义。旅游商品或纪念品的 符号价值是旅游消费符号价值最为突出的 表征

  • How do I get a dump of the header of the loader section and the symbol entries in symbolic representation ?

    如何对装载器部分的头信息和采用 符号 表示 的符号项进行转储?

  • Language is the symbolic representation of things in categories . Idioms as a special language form epitomize these conceptual structures .

    而语言是对一类事物进行概括的 符号 表征,习语作为一种特殊的语言形式集中反映了这些概念结构。

  • The meaning of water is complicated and varied in different cultures . So is its symbolic representation in films at home and abroad .

    水在不同文化中均负载着复杂而广泛的文化含义,其在中外电影 作品 象征 同样具有多样性。

  • One example of a symbolic tree is a representation of an SQL query plan which has operations like filter join union and project .

    符号树的一个示例就是SQL查询计划的 表示 形式,该查询提供筛选、连接、联合和project等操作。

  • Symbolic model checking method uses a more efficient symbolic representation for the system .

    符号模型检验( symbolicmodelchecking)是时序逻辑模型检验的技术一种具体方法,它使用一种更为有效的 符号的方法来 表示被检验系统, 因而可以处理更大规模的系统。

  • In the contemporary context of globalization when faced with the impact caused by the infiltration of various foreign cultures some Chinese artists try to use some more rational abstract individual languages such as the symbolic representation to express their artistic conception .

    在当代全球化语境下面对各种文化的渗透与影响时,一些中国艺术家在创作中尝试着使用更加理性的、观念的、关注个人视角的个性化 符号 语言进行艺术观念的表达。

  • Essentially the nucleotides sequence is a symbolic representation of biomolecular .

    由A、T、C、G四种字符组成的核苷酸序列本质上是生物分子的一种 符号 表示

  • A symbolic representation of waveform the tree representation which can transform all kinds of sensed data into a knowledge representation form utilized in expert systems is presented .

    本文提出了一件波形的 符号 方法&树表达法,利用这种方法可以将各种感知数据换成专家系统易于接受且便于推理的知识表达形式。

  • The research shows that differentiation of symbolic representation functions most in junior Chemistry learning and threefold representation is able to embody Chemistry characteristic thinking mode which of course is beneficial and valuable to the understanding of Chemistry .

    调查发现,初中阶段的化学学习, 符号 表征的分化作用最大。三重表征是一种能体现化学学科特征的思维方式,它有利于学生更好地理解化学,具有一系列独特的魅力和价值。

  • Symbolic matrix representation of NURBS and Its Applications

    NURBS的 符号矩阵 表示及其应用

  • On the other hand not only has the practical function of the door mark the features but also showed a strict rating system and become a culture of Confucian ceremony symbolic representation .

    另一方面,它不仅具有纪念功能、实用功能,同时也表现出了严格的社会等级制度,是儒家礼制文化的一个 表征 符号

  • This paper proposes a new algorithm for mining frequent subsequence in time series based on symbolic representation .

    提出一种新的基于 符号 表示的时间序列频繁子序列的挖掘算法。

  • A symbolic representation of the composition or of the composition and structure of a compound . On the left of the equation we write the molecular formulas of all the ingredients or reactants .

    分子 表示化学物质成分或组成方式的 符号表达式在反应式的左侧我们写上全部反应物的分子式。

  • Until the twentieth century the linguistic turn started to focus on the symbolic systems and ideographic systems . Metaphors widely existing in scientific discourse and daily language as a way of knowledge representation were gradually becoming one of the main subjects of the philosophical language .

    直到20世纪语言学转向开始关注于 表征知识的 符号和表意系统整体,广泛存在于科学话语和日常语言中的隐喻逐渐被作为知识 表征的一种方式而成为语言哲学研究的主题之一。

  • The symbolic representation of lions in Out of Africa is analyzed .

    分析了《走出非洲 一书中狮子的 象征 意义,认为它既是非洲草原的 代表 动物,又是作者丹麦女作家凯伦。

  • The representation was unique in which it allowed dimensionality reduction and it also granted a lower bound distance measure defined on the symbolic representation .

    该方法既能进行维度约简又允许在 符号 后的时间 序列 表示 上定义距离度量。

  • Symbolic Representation and Sural Pattern Parsing for Fuel Pressure Waveform of Diesel

    柴油机喷油压力波形的 符号 描述与结构模式分类