tabulation method

[ˌtæbjuˈleɪʃn ˈmɛθəd][ˌtæbjuˈleɪʃn ˈmeθəd]


  • The paper analyses the mechanism of water flow in the flood plain of dike breach puts forward the simplified method of breach hydraulic calculation and the tabulation trial method illustrates the questions paid attention for drawing of breach flood plain .

    本文分析了堤防决口泛区水流机理,提出了决口水利计算简化算法的公式及 列表试算求解的 方法,说明了决口泛区图绘制应注意的问题。

  • In this paper the fast and exact tabulation of Carnot diagram by use of computer was discussed including the principle and method of tabulating Carnot diagram and how to fine out the maximum merged term and the optimum covered way .

    本文研究如何用计算机快速准确地 完成卡诺图的 制表 工作,首先论述了 计算 方法,包括卡诺图表的制作原理,卡诺图元素的填写 方法,如何寻找最大合项并,如何寻找最佳覆盖方式;

  • This article introduces a new dimensionless tabulation method to calculate reinforcement of T-section beams .

    介绍了一种新的无量纲 表格 来计算T形梁的正截面配筋。

  • This paper presents the principle of interaction between the rights and liabilities in construction engineering contracts which is also used to make a comparison between and analysis clause by clause with the tabulation method of the right and liability clauses commonly seen in engineering contracts .

    提出了建筑工程承包合同中的权利与责任条款的相互制约原则,并运用这一原则对工程承包合同中常见的权利和责任条款 逐条 列表 进行对比分析。

  • A dimensionless tabulation method for calculation of reinforcement of beam with T-section

    无量纲 表格 计算T形梁正截面配筋

  • A tabulation method for finding the roots of an algebraic equation

    代数方程根的 列表 计算

  • This article discusses electrostatic field experiment by tabulation method graphic method Least squares procedure and Excel dealing with data . The conclusion is that Excel dealing data can improve experiment data 's accuracy and decrease relative error .

    本文对静电场描绘实验进行分析,运用 列表 、作图法、最小二乘法及Excel分别对数据进行处理,其结论为:应用Excel处理可提高实验数据的准确性,减小相对误差。

  • Application of the in Situ Adaptive Tabulation Method in the PDF Simulation of a Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flame

    ISAT 方法在射流火焰PDF计算中的应用

  • This method simplifies the shipboard power system as a DC circuits consisted of voltage sources current sources and resistances . The branch currents are easily obtainable via tabulation method which provides precise enough data of the power flow for the network reconfiguration .

    该方法将舰船电力系统简化成只含电流源、电压源和阻抗的直流网络,并使用 列表 求解支路电流,能快速为重构算法提供足够精确的潮流分布信息。

  • This paper based on the tabulation data of census combining the demographic analysis methods with genetic algorithms to discuss about the new method of goal planning of population and family planning .

    以人口普查 汇总数据为基础,将人口分析方法与遗传优化建模方法相结合,提出人口与计划生育目标规划 可行性分析 方法

  • A tabulation method for solving simultaneous linear equations

    联立一次方程 准确解的 列表 计算