tactile sensations

[医] 触觉

  • Heat cold tactile and other sensations contribute to flavour .

    热、冷、 触觉和其他 感觉 构成了食物风味的一部分。

  • Study on the bionics neurofibrils skin with tactile heat and smooth sensations

    一种具有 触觉、热觉和滑 的仿生神经元纤维皮肤的研究

  • Virtual reality system uses computer technology to generate realistic virtual environment providing the simulation of visual auditory tactile and other sensations of human being . It allows the user to have a sense of immersion .

    虚拟现实系统利用计算机技术生成逼真的虚拟环境,提供用户视觉、听觉和 触觉感官的模拟,使用户产生身临其境的沉浸感。

  • An intelligent prosthetic hand was developed with tactile and slip sensations .

    研制了一种可以 感知 的智能假手。