


  • Conclusion Spinal action of protein kinase C inhibitor prevents tachyphylaxis to local anesthetic block .

    结论 蛋白激酶C可以 通过脊髓作用抑制局 麻药 神经阻滞的 耐药 反应 发生

  • OBJECTIVE : To study the tachyphylaxis after pseudo ephedrine and ephedrine crossly used on isolated guinea pig tracheae .

    目的:研究交叉应用伪麻黄碱和 麻黄碱后,豚鼠气管条的 快速 耐受作用。

  • Tachyphylaxis to the pressor effect of ephedrine in rats was found to be easily induced by repeated intravenous doses of 8mg / kg each at short intervals ( Fig.6 ) .

    其他 实验 动物相似,大鼠连续注射 麻黄碱8毫克/公斤,其升压作用也易于产生 快速 耐受性。

  • After the development of tachyphylaxis to ephedrine in rats the dose-pressor-response curve of tyramine was depressed ( Fig.7 ) while that of noradrenaline was not altered significandy .

    大鼠血压对 麻黄碱 产生 快速 耐受 后,酪胺的剂量反应曲线被压低,但去甲肾上腺素的曲线并无显著改变。

  • If noradrenaline was infused after tachyphylaxis it could partially restore the pressor effect of ephedrine injected during the infusion ( Fig.8 ) .

    产生 快速 耐受 后,灌注去甲肾上腺素可部分地恢复麻黄碱的升压作用。

  • Aim To assess the effect of heat shock factor-1 ( HSF1 ) and heat shock protein 70 ( HSP70 ) to tachyphylaxis by bradykinin in the opening blood-tumor barrier ( BTB ) .

    目的探讨缓激肽( bradykinin,BK)开放血瘤屏障过程中,HSF1和HSP70对BK诱发 快速 耐受 的影响。

  • STUDIES ON THE MECHANISM OF TACHYPHYLAXIS TO EPHEDRINE Tachyphylaxis to phentolamine - induced hemodynamic effects in rabbits
